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Martha Seagoe <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 12 Jan 97 16:36:18 PST
text/plain (58 lines)
I'm almost embarrassed to write about this, because I've been on
veg-raw for so long and only just got up the determination to take the
plunge Jan. 1.  I needed the pat New Years starting point to get going,
but otherwise have decided January is a pretty dumb time to start.  For
one thing, it's cold (yeah, even in Santa Barbara).  For another, there's
a more limited amount of stuff in season.  Thirdly, there's our upcoming
trip to the in-laws' in Florida.  I haven't had the nerve to tell her about
my change, since she's seen me through a number of dietary changes
already and must think I'm quite a kook!
Another thing:  I haven't been able to find any of the great raw eating
books I keep hearing about in any of the stores.  Exception:  Enzyme
Nutrition by Dr. Edward Howell.  Looks like I'm going to have to break
down and mail-order some (on account of, I'm the type that needs a
continual flow of information to "keep the faith").
Anyway, progress report:
days 1 - 5:  doing fine, no problem.  Tried some dulse, bleah.  But I still
mean to try some in a blended salad.  Jan 1 was also day 1 of a cold
for me, so it's hard to say anything about the fact my energy level is
neither less nor greater than usual.
day 6 pm:  a yucky, stuffed feeling in the stomach in the evening.  I
assume this is from eating too much Trader Joe's Mount Baldy Raw
Trail Mix at work.  No appetite for dinner.
day 7 pm:  a yucky, bloated feeling in the abdomen.  Assumed to be
the mass of nuts & seeds from yesterday causing trouble further down
the pipe.  Quite painful at times.
days 8 - 10:  doing quite well, but respiratory infection still with me.  Feel
hungry sometimes but it doesn't really bother me.  I just sort of watch
the hunger come and go.
day 10 pm:  my first cooked food since Jan 1.  My family went out for
dinner.  After Enzyme Nutrition, I decided maybe tempeh (fermented
food) wouldn't be so bad.  I got 2 tempeh soft tacos, sans cheese.  So
the corn tortillas were the only real "sin".  Pretty full, probably should
have had only one.
day 11:  hangin' in there.
day 12 (right now):  today I'm having my first crisis.  I'm trying to
remember why this seemed so important.  The only positive thing I can
say is that I've lost 4 pounds and my clothes feel looser.  The lack of
variety is getting to me, and I haven't got the inspiration to try some
interesting recipes.  I'm even getting sick of apples.  The only thing that
still tastes great to me is my morning smoothie (fresh reamed orange
juice (with most of the pulp and membrane), a handful of almonds
soaked 24 hrs., 1 banana, assorted frozen fruit).  My sense of smell
seems  too acute.  I say "too" acute because I can smell as well as
hear my husband eating tortilla chips in the next room and it's torturing
me!  I went out to Fresh Choice (west coast salad bar chain) for lunch
and even the wider variety of raw veggies there didn't satisfy.  Like, I
like red bell pepper, but only a few bites.  How can instinctos afford to
eat according to the taste stop?  I'd be throwing away so much food!
Anyway, folks, I need words of encouragement.  How soon can I
expect to feel an improvement in well-being?  Should I have
transitioned a little first with steamed potatoes or rice or whatever?
Any encouragement/advice would be most welcome!       :-)
Sorry to whine so much...          :-/

Cheers (I think!)