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Sun, 03 Nov 1996 06:46:25 -0800
ombodhi thoren st john <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
> Accolades...except I'm not clear on what the maple syrup grade C is.  The
> only syrup with which I'm familiar is extensively cooked and cooked and
> cooked...till it's syrupy thick.  The pure sap from the mother tree is
> awfully runny stuff...is that what the grade C is?

> Regarding you pitch for honey...Our family finally quit using honey some
> years back.  We were raising bees and I accidently backed into a stack of
> "supers" (for non bee keepers: the white boxes in which the bees collect
> their nectar and pollen)...notwithstanding my daughter's and my
> totally-enclosed-in-bee-suits and bonnets configuration, we both got stung
> more times than I care to recall, since the tower of power came tumbling
> down.  Gadzooks! The bees were like a black roaring cloud of hell itself.
> And, as luck would have it, there wasn't a nice river or pond into which we
> could dive...and we were on such a steep mountain slope that running
> downhill would have been sure suicide...So.

> Never forget the event...I took it as some sort of karmic signal to quit
> stealing their hard earned sticky food from them.  I've never bothered 'em
> since...the sweet little critters...and have been left alone myself.

> But, at least it's raw.

ohaiyogozaimasu ric,
		    as others have responded quicker than i, grade c (along
with a & b) has the living bejeezus cooked out of it.  forget enzymes,
oxygen, electricity, hormones, vitamins, minerals, all of it... eat food with
a high quotient of that ineffable quality: ** living bejeezus **.
	i also wanted to admit to lingering guilt about "stealing their hard
earned sticky food from them."  i don't have impervious armor to these
thoughts.  i can easily imagine living without honey again.  (no bee products
in my diet as a righteous vegan, pre-raw)
	dr. micheal klaper has good arguments against honey.  at this point,
i've found the tracts in favor of the bee vomit appealing.  i'd like to find
out once and for all by keeping bees myself.  (well, probably not for all,
but maybe enough for this one lifetime)
	thanks for the story, ric!

not mentioning honey as an aid in lovemaking,