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Wed, 16 Oct 1996 22:52:57 -0400 (EDT)
Meredith Westfall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
Hi everyone,
It's been great reading all of these messages from everyone.  Shawn has
made me want to travel again-musta been a wanderer in my last life.  To
the pumpkin hater.  Do you like raw butterenut squash?  That's my newest
find, boy is it good.
I've been having a hard time getting to more raw.  I have a zillion
excuses and feel a little yucky.  I have these long days running around
teaching, going to class, etc.  and I tend to forget myself.  That
happends more than I'd like to admit.  I am also having a hard time
because my brother, who lives in Manila, is getting married on Nov. 9th
and in May he uninivted me because...I don't dress like I've come out of
Ann Taylor, I prefer Doc Martens to Cole-Hann, I choose not to wear
make-up, and I don't have tons of money to spend on this and that.  Only
now do I feel hurt that he can't accept me for who I am.  He also thinks
my eating habits are BIZARRE!  I am so sick of givng in and settling that
I chose not to do it anymore.  Cooked food has become a way to punish
myself in a subtle way.  I feel like shit, so why don't I really "help
myself" and cube the feeling.  My parents are getting ready for the trip
to Asia, and no, I don't want to go.  But I also don't want to be ignored
because of who I am.  "Let it go"  Any suggestions on how to do that?

To all of you old timers and new timers, what would an ultimate day of
health be like for you, both food and spiritual, and everything else.  Is
anyone there?  Feeling like they are in a comfortable groove?  How long
did it take?

I have a Japanese student (35, male, married, doctor) who is moving to LA
(Wilshire Blvd.)  He is looking for an Englsi Conversation teacher.  He
just wants someone to talk to for an hour a week, and to point out
mistakes every now and then.  I post it here because you all seem to be
cool, interesting, full of insight, etc.  No ESL training needed.  Just
patience and ideas to talk about.  I get $20 an hour, and Mitsuo comes to
my house.  His wife is looking for a conversation exchange partner-half
Englsi and half Japanese.  Anyone out there, or do you know anyone?  And
he'll come to your house if it's a reasonable distance.  I know this
seems off topic, but I want to find a great person, so of course, here I
am at veg-raw.  Sorry if this has irriated anyone.
Inspiration about getting really on track...Shawn, send some energy my way!

Take care,