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Tue, 28 Apr 1998 04:00:38 -0700
Gregg M Burton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (94 lines)
>>> LIFE F0RCE <[log in to unmask]> and yet you end your Posts with
>>> [log in to unmask] (Liza May)
>>> Which looks better and so could you Post to the List like:
>>> Liza May <[log in to unmask]> or at least
>>> Life Force <[log in to unmask]> because it would look so much better.

>> I have no idea how to do this.  I think it all happens automatically with aol
>> and listserv or something.

> If any change is made, it will mean extra work for me & Dave to go back and
> update the old address formats in the archives so I suggest that we let
> this subject go before it becomes trendy. ;-/  If anybody has any
> questions/comments about this issue please contact Dave or me.

Hi Peter!!!

Are you saying that if I or anyone wants to change their Personalization
but not their E-Mail Address i.e. like if Liza wanted do one of the
above you'd have to or at least you'd want to modify the From: Line in
all her previous Messages to now show Liza May <[log in to unmask]> so we
can look her up by Author or something?  It doesn't seem like there
would be a reason for that since it would still be easy for us to follow
her I would think.  Also, one day she, you, and/or I might want to
change our actual E-Mail Address but we might keep the Personalization
part and so there is really no need to change the From: Line throughout
the whole Archive because then it wouldn't be an Accurate Representation
of how we had actually had Sent it; so I would think there is no need to
do so but I would love to hear back from you on that if I was
understanding you correctly.

Remember when we spoke the other day and if you get your Web Site and
Corresponding E-Mail Address you'll then be able to use:

Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]> or
Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>

or something like that and have People go to your
Personal Web Site at http://peter.w1.org and the
Raw Food Diet Support List Web Site at http://raw-food.w1.org.

Also, if you ever leave Netcom because you want a better deal like with
JPSnet for $99 a year ($8.25 a month - Not Bad, Eh?!!!) - because Netcom
charges $19.95 a month for Basic 28.8 Kbps Access and $24.95 a month for
Basic Plus 56 Kbps Access if you ever want to upgrade your Modem or
something - you'll no longer be able to use Peter Brandt
<[log in to unmask]> anyway and have to use your new E-Mail Address
with whatever New ISP you chose.  I'm sure that someone on the List must
have changed their E-Mail Address at sometime during the List's History
because they changed ISPs or something.  Well that's why I use E-Mail
Forwarding so I never have to change but when I get my new Web Sites
going I might change to one of the new Domain Names I'll have like I
told you but still be known as Gregg M Burton and it'll look something

Gregg M Burton <[log in to unmask]> or
Gregg M Burton <[log in to unmask]> or something like that.

Anyway, I hope I clarified the issue and not further confused it and
would just like to know how People do change their Personalization
and/or E-Mail Address without causing you any problems.

Oh Wow!!! Look at what I noticed while I was writing this:

Roberta J Leong, LAc <[log in to unmask]> (4 messages)
roberta <[log in to unmask]>
trader roberta <[log in to unmask]>

Roberta changed her Personalization twice since her first one and they
all 3 work because I guess LISTSERV looks at the actual E-Mail Address
and not the Personalization so accepts the Messages and so we can go by
whatever we want I guess, but I could see it could get a little
confusing if we didn't know who it was but we'd always know by the
E-Mail Address at least - It's hard to fake that!!!  What's good about
being able to change the Personalization part, for example, is that if
my Girlfriend wants to Post here she could just use her Name but my
E-Mail Address and it'd work and go through just fine and everyone would
know it's from her without having to read the actual Message - Cool
Eh?!!! - She does that now anyway so she can get E-Mail through my
E-Mail Forwarding until she gets her own actual E-Mail Address.

Anyway, now that this Fun, Enlightening, Informative, and Hopefully at
least Somewhat Valuable Adventure into the Depths and Fundamentals of
E-Mail Addresses is over I hope you all enjoyed it and don't go Crazy
with your New Found Power!!! - :)

 - Take Care My Raw Food Compadres!!!

 - Gregg!!!