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Sun, 17 Aug 1997 18:17:09 -0400
Robert Wynman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (117 lines)
Greetings & farewell, RawFood Friends--

Last nite (perhaps even early this morning?) I UNLISTED from the list --
after twice attempting to UNSUBSCRIBE :-)  It was a happy time.  I realized
that all the years of effort, learning on the journey toward Optimum Health
had led me to the conclusion that Natural Hygiene is the path to that goal
and that SLEEP may be the most important factor required for health (see NH
summary below, if yer interested).

Since the time I've spent with you uniquely charming, intelligent, loving &
caring folks in the last few months has come from sleep time & inadequate
sleep ruins all other aspects of life, I chose last nite to take a hopefully
temporary absence from the list in favor of health.

This morning I awoke with some sorrow, realizing that I've come to consider
you dear friends.  Certainly Peter, Ellie, Kirt/Melissa & Bruno I've known a
long time, mostly thru the Natural Hygiene M2M & you're my mentors & a
meaningful part of my family.  Stefan, Dariusz, Denis, Jean-Louis  &
especially Tom have become great teachers for me, as have many of y'all with
whom I've only read & not responded to & I was enjoying getting to know
Lynton, Mark, Karen, et al.

Peter, my deepest thanks and acknowledgements for all the unknown &
unappreciated effort you've provided in creating and most fairly
moderating/coordinating this list.  You are truly amazing.

Because it was so late & I was so tired when I UNLISTED I did not communicate
a proper good bye to y'all.  This is my attempt.  But it's not really a
goodbye to any of you people, just to "the list", a non-human entity.  All
you people have my E-mail address & hopefully will keep in touch whenever you
feel it's appropriate.  Within a few days, we're switching from our AOL to a
local E-mail address, a "registered domain" which will never need to change,
regardless of net server.  OUR NEW ADDRESS WILL BE [log in to unmask]

Once again, I invite you all to join us in the Natural Health M2M (contact
[log in to unmask]) which, since '92, has been my best source of truthful
health information and mutual support in my journey toward Optimum Health.

'ealth, 'appiness & freedom to you all,

Bob Wynman


Natural Hygiene, the path to Optimum Health, is based on the simple notion
that health is our normal state & that human mind/bodies are self-healing,
self-regenerating and self-repairing and that health is facilitated by "Nerve
Energy" (definition still open?!) manufactured by the mind/body when its
requirements are supplied & its toxins are avoided.

My present understanding is that those requisites include:

1--Clean air

2--Food/water of our biologic adaptation--quantity/quality/timing (including
fasting) best determined thru intelligently implementing Instinctive

3--Sun/light--quantity/quality/ time best determined by intelligent use of

4--Appropriate ambient temperatures

5--Adequate magnetic field--including protection from harmful energy field
provided by the "magnetic cocoon"--listed last of environmental factors
'cause I'm probably the only Natural Hygienist who believes that this is a
requisite for health and that we have any control over this aspect of our
lives.  Seems that optimum cellular, tissue & organ function DO require this
one & I'm continuing to use me as an experiment!!

6--Mental/emotional poise--which IMO means harmony of one's Core Belief
System and one's behavior (talk/walk).  (I usta think the harmony had to be
between CBS & REALITY & have learned that's only critical in emergencies)

7--Meaningful nurturing relationships (at least one of which includes
sex)--you folks have contributed to my health and life in this area mightily

9--Healthful activity--aerobic & anaerobic action, quantity/quality/ time
best determined by intelligent use of instinct

9--Productive work--accomplishing goals determined by our values thru
enjoyable directed effort (as opposed to "w**k", doing that which we hate,
for whatever reasons we think we "must").  Dentistry has provided this for me
for three decades and will likely do so for several more.  Lou & I will be
deriving more of this in the next few years by helping Nikken build a
world-wide distribution structure for hi-tech/hi-touch health care products.
 Contact us if you'd consider becoming our partners in this exciting
adventure ([log in to unmask], [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask], FAX:
 (916) 581-3755, USSnail, PO Box A, Carnelian Bay, CA  96140)

10--Financial health--this one's ONLY required for health in humans & perhaps
only for humans living in an organized society--generally provided as reward
of work

11--REST/SLEEP--IMO, if there can be a "the most important" requisite, this
one is it & it's definitely my weakest area.  IMO the body/mind only does its
marvelous self-healing, self-regenerating and self-repairing and only
rebuilds its "nerve energy" during rest/sleep (& lack of adequate "NE" is the
direct or indirect cause of all regression away from Optimum Health)

*No, "intelligently implementing the principles of Instinctive Nutrition" is
not a contradiction nor oxymoron.  We gotta use the intellect to eliminate
the altered "fudes" created &/or perverted by that very intellect & then we
can reasonably delegate selection of food -- and rest/sleep -- to instinct.

PS--Now I've created a puzzle.  I've gotta re-subscribe somehow to deliver
this good-bye, then UNLIST again to get sleep time, yet I'd like to receive &
perhaps answer any replies this posting promotes and it's not fair to expect
any of you to reply to me personally 'cause then the rest of y'all don't
benefit from those responses.  So, I think I must delay my "final temporary
UNLISTING" 'til Wednesday, 8/20, the day I return for my
"8-day-with-1-day-off" shift at the office, during which time I don't do
E-mail.  Some of us sure find interesting ways to complicate our lives, don't
we!  :-)