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Tue, 12 Aug 1997 00:29:04 -0500
Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (213 lines)
Below follows a dialogue between myself and Bruno Comby, which I am posting
to the list with his permission. It was not meant for the public eye but I
felt it was too important to keep for myself, and I talked Bruno into
letting me post it. I think he deserves a lot of credit for this, and for
the frankness and honesty he expresses on this issue. To me Bruno's words
are the missing pieces to this tragic affair, and I hope they will help
bring closure and turn over a new leaf for instincto. The L'Express article
that Bruno mentions is the latest covering this subject matter from July
3rd. When I get it translated, if I find it contains new and valuable
information, I will give a summery of it to the list, otherwise this will
be my last posting on this issue - at least for now.

Best, Peter
[log in to unmask]


> How come you did not speak up years before if you knew that innocent
>children were being sexually abused at Montrame?

I knew GC spoke a lot about sex and (though not initially) that he was
ambiguous about children, but I didn't know that children were
sexually abused at MTR. It seems quite evident after what has been
published by the journalists recently, but it wasn't before because
that information wasn't available even to the persons inside the
group. Anne-Marie Casteret writes in the heading of July 3rd article :
"it took 10 years before the victims started talking" (or something
close like that). Even inside the group and permanents, everything
wasn't openly exposed and the "victims" didn't speak. If the situation
had been as clear as that, of course I would have spoken out and would
have ran away immediately (which I did after evidence slowly started
piling up). Anne-Marie Casteret knows a lot now more after meeting
Marthe and Maya getting the intimate details from these persons
directly involved than I ever knew when I was there. If I had known
everything that the journalists have published, of course I would have
reacted much faster.

I knew nothing in the beginning. Small elements (but not as much as
has been published, which is still not proofs though apparently quite
relevant) piled up over the years as I met more people and observe
more details. Many crazy stories circulated at times but in a number
of cases it was evidently pure gossip. Other times it may have been
true but the logical thing to do is then turn to GC to hear his
version and GCB is a crook but very intelligent and he always had a
logical explanation to every situation such as saying that such person
was jealous or that the "rumours" were unjust attacks against his work
and the revolutionary (in his opinion, not mine) meta. The definition
of a crook is that he lies and hides the truth and often succeeds in
doing so.

Speaking openly against anybody and especially an intelligent crook
when you're not sure about what you're putting forward would be
interpreted as calommny. Therefore all I could do both before and
after leaving MTR is talk in private only giving my opinion but
avoiding the details.

At the same time (during the same years), the justice was informed of
such suspicions and an "enqu=EAte" was under way, which led to nothing
during 7 years, until very recently after the press revelations and
Anne-Marie Casteret's articles.

The question is not why I or others didn't speak up earlier. Some
journalists knew a lot, the justice also, but no one could do anything
because GC always had a nice story to explain the situation when
necessary and there was no proof against him. Now it seems there is,
because some of the victims and persons directly concerned have
apparently started to speak up, which wasn't the case in the past,
even inside the group.

> G.C. was not exactly hiding his theories about the sexual needs of

Yes and no. He is an expert about telling only half of the story.
Theories about sex are not unlawful even if they are crazy. You can't
put someone in prison or spread calumnious words about him just
because he viewed a porno film or assisted to a tantric conference. In
MTR, there were no porno films and only meta conferences. And these
included no open practise and precise instructions, more like general
complex and unclear blablabla theories about freudism and so on. I
didn't like the meta theory and disapproved it (I even left the meta 1
workshop before the end of the course when I followed it, because I
disapproved the contents, some things he said were not part of MY morality
but nothing sounded illegal). GC never said, at least publicly, that
he acted sex with children, and he even often repeated that he didn't
He would immediately have undertaken legal action against anybody
(including me) saying that he did if you couldn't prove it. The
situation wasn't as clear for the people in the community when I was
there as is written in the press today.

When my ideas on the subject became clearer and the meta started
yielding somewhat sectarian and absolutely inacceptable behaviours in
the 92-93 period (though I never had tangible proofs of any sex with
children even then or after), and especially after the day when GC
violently smashed his wife Nicole during 1/2 an hour and broke her
ribs and nose, I decided to walk out. I'm spontaneously non-violent
and this fight was a real shock for me and the determining element
that convinced me to leave the center, that GC really wasn't normal,
that he wouldn't change and that some of his meta friends were
indoctrinated and not normal as well (one of them, N., assisted to the
whole scene and didn't move). I discussed with Nicole her going to the
police with the radiographies and talking about everything she new meta-wise
(more than me) in the following days. She almost did but finally chose
not to do so and left the center. I did the same shortly after.

>>It seems (L'Express this week + direct info) that Burger was sexually
>> deviant and very disrespectful, even more than I imagined, since his

> How much had you imagined?

Commercially and as regards politeness or elementary human qualitity
like mutual respect, I knew he wasn't correct (more and more as time
passed by), but this isn't unlawful. Sexually, his homo attractions
and strong sexual needs weren't really a secret for anybody inside the
group, but I wasn't sure to what point exactly he went. With children,
he usually talked about the primitive tribes' habits such as the ones
studied by Malinovski in Indonesia, but when questioned on this point
said he didn't practise nor encouraged directly to act in this
direction. All I had (and still have today) is a personal opinion
("intime conviction" in french). This opinion led me to leave the
ch=E2teau in conjunction with the above-mentioned fight in march 93. It
seems things went much worse and that the darkest side of the meta
considerably developed after Nicole, Jackie, Simone and I (the
"humanly normal", according to the usual social standards, members of
the permanents) left the center.

>However, this whole affair does make me question his credibility on other

You are right to do so. But the question of a raw and instinctive diet
nevertheless, IMHO, remains an important, - I even think a quite
important - one.

>Is it true that inflammation always was the result when he experimented
 with raw goat milk and that he never experienced stops with cooked foods or raw
>dairy as he claimed?

As you justly point out, some of his scientific evidence is a little
short or overdone. As concerns goat's milk, I haven't done extensive
experiments with goat's milk personally but as far as I've seen in my
activities and in the instinkto field, the results with any type of
dairy on adults or non-human-dairy on children, is rather negative and
brought me to agree with him about 100% on this point. But any
contrary opinion or experience is welcome if backed by facts.

Cooked food do experience stops (at least repletion after a sufficient
amount, and sometimes also taste changes), but generally later than
the same food raw and unseasoned. This also depends on the food, how
it is cooked. There always is a stop at some point even with cooked
foods. The question is if the stop comes at the correct moment or too
late. Cooking pushes the stop forward or suppresses it, more or less,
depending on the food.

>Also, I now question if the instinctive program at Montrame
>actually healed as many cases as he claimed.

As far as I've seen, he doesn't invent totally untrue stories for the
therapeutic cases. Most or all stories are basically true, I think,
but he does tend to improve reality in the way he talks about the
past, giving only the good side of the story for example or omitting a
few details when necessary. But nevertheless, in my opinion, there are
strong and interesting therapeutic results in a variety of directions
when people practise the diet correctly. Anybody else is free to think
else wise.

> Anyhow, I hope that the dust settles soon and that the climate in France
> has not become too hostile for the sake of you and the spreading of
> instinctive nutrition.

The psychological climate for sure isn't very positive around raw and
instinctive nutrition at the moment in France and these events
certainly won't help to communicate easily on an already difficult
subject. However, paradoxically, the more you talk about anything
(even if negatively) the more this subject is questioned, and the more
at least some people understand what it's about. I'm confident that
humans are intelligent enough in the long term to distinguish between
the beneficial effects of raw and the personal deviant conducts of Mr

> PPS.  Thanks for the update on your site even though it was in French.:-)
> Is it possible for me to buy a sample issue of your newsletter (in
 English)  without subscribing to it?

I will put your e-mail address on the e-mailing list so that you will
be informed each time a new issue is published (in french), and you
can then consult it on the IBC's web site. Quite unfortunately, the
newsletter is only edited in french so far and I don't have much time
available to publish two different editions. Anybody willing to help
for the translation into english of past and/or future issues is
welcome. Both editions would then be available in the archives on the
web site.

Sincerely yours. With best regards.
