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Thu, 10 Jul 1997 03:01:55 -0400
Robert Wynman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (130 lines)

Personally, my leftist-oriented mind tells me that a diet not affordable by
-say- 80% of the French population is not acceptable. I would rather find
a compromise than pay 3 times the price of an ordinary (cooked) meal.

What's your definition of "leftist-oriented"?  From each according to his
ability, to each according to his need?  Communal ownership of means of
production?  Altruism?  Egalitarianism?

I was just taking an extreme example. Working at Orkos is not slavery,
but the *analogy* is that people *need* to eat Orkos food, and that's
a kinda "psychological force".

Do you believe their "need" creates an obligation on Orkos to provide them

A translation of this chart appeared in M2M several months ago, thanks to
Deborah Boyar. It is _immensely_ complex and about as non-instinctive as
one could get. Indeed, the overall effect is of a grand satire.

I would go so far as to say it is the most complicated directions for how
to eat I have ever seen proposed in my life. If it is necessary for good
results on Instincto, then I would venture that we need a new name for
Instincto--how about "prescripto"? ;)

Hard for me to believe anyone ever intended that chart to guide folks eating
pattern in "real life".  It had to be an exercise for an Instincto workshop
or 1-2 week stay at an Instincto Retreat, no?


since out moderator seems to have been disappeared I enjoy participation
in an off-subject issue here. :-)

Yeah, sounds like great fun!

>Well, I see I am surrounded by leftists. ;-)

Not on this side you're not! :-) Your pro-freedom comments are muchly
refreshing.  Thank you.

I'm not leftist either, and not "rightist".  I Discovered about 1962 that the
left/right classification on politics was meaningless & misleading, since the
far left (Communism) & the far right (Fascism) are merely variations of 100%
statist control of our lives.  Rather than a linear
LEFT________________________RIGHT scheme, a co-ax vertical/horizontal scheme
is much more accurate, like so:

                          10I                                   F
PERSONAL                8I      L
FREEDOM         6I
                        2I                                 R
                         0      2       4       6       8       10
                                ECONOMIC FREEDOM

where the vertical axis represents intellectual (personal) freedom & the
horizontal represents economic freedom.  "
Leftist" folk, like "modern liberals", willing to grant a bit of intellectual
freedom + zero economic freedom, slip into the upper left area "L".
 "Rightists", like our US "Conservatives" want economic freedom, but near
zero intellectual freedom, wanting to dictate how we think, what we smoke,
etc. & are classified in lower right "R".  Commies like most of the
professors of political "science" in US universities, & Fascists, like our
beloved Clintons, janet Reno, et al, preferring we have no freedoms of any
kind, are found in the lower left of the chart ("S" -- for "statist").
 Weirdos like me, who are willing to grant everyone maximum intellectual &
economic freedom as long as they & I take responsibility for behaving
ourselves, proudly reside in the upper right corner of the grid ("F" for
"freedom-lovers").  We were quite prevalent in the USA 200 years ago & are
now a politically-incorrect mini-minority (but proliferating on the Net!! ;-)

Hope that grid worked on E-mail with various servers' tab features, etc.  Get
the idea?


I also believe that supplements play a major role
in my improved mental and emotional functioning.

Many thanks for the excellent presentation of why & what supplements you're
using.  Have you given any thought to supplementing your magnetic energy?
 According to NASA, the earth's magnetic field is currently 4.5 gauss & 4,000
years ago it was 4 gauss & it's decreasing by 5% per century.  According to
some researchers, living things perform all functions better & live longer in
a stronger magnetic field.  Info?

>Death is unacceptable to me.

Now there's an powerful statement.  I like it.  Thank you.  I'm even MORE
interested in your take on Biomagnetics!

Also, Frederick, many thanks for your long list of causes of diseases + Mann
on cow milk.  I agree with all, of course & can only think of one other
likely cause of disease/premature death: inadequate biomagnetic energy,
causing lack of body's astrocytes' ability to create adequate "nerve energy",
leading to ennervation, toxicosis & all the steps of the disease processes
known to Natural Hygienists.  I've forwarded that list to Bob Avery & hope he
prints it in the 8/97 Natural Health M2M with mucho credits to you.  Again,
thank you.

Jean Louis:

I don't have any garden (I lived in the center of Paris, and now in
the center of Philadelphia). I could move, but it's less convenient for
me (loss of time in transportation). And I don't know any person who
would grow something for me.


If life were easy, everyone would want to do it. ;-)

'ealth & 'appiness to y'all!
