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Fri, 27 Jun 1997 15:07:19 -0500 (CDT)
Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (90 lines)
>BUT, turning things around, the rarer to raw the meat, the more cooked
>the vegetables and the almost elimination of fruit, the better I feel.

Interesting. Raw meat and streamed veggies is a combination that I have
yet to try. For carbohydrates I think that many raw food eaters often
might do better with some steamed vegetables instead of turning to

>Back more on Atkins is like a "magic pill" for feeling good. Lots of
>fat.  Ideal is about 5 parts cream cheese to 1 part celery stick, then
>I'm OK, a lunch of a handful of Macadamia nuts and 3 or 4 hard boiled
>eggs -- then I'm OK.

Well, that should carry you through until dinner. :-) The Paleo diet is
also high in fat so I assume it is including the dairy that is making
the difference for you.

>I just real new to the raw food concept, but got to start some where
>with the things that I know will benefit me.  So how to replace the
>hard boiled eggs with raw eggs is something I'm real interested in?

For breakfast I often blend three raw eggs with a little raw goats
milk, 1/2 banana (and/or some berries) and a little vanilla extract. It
is a great meal that is light and filling at the same time.

>But the jitters about safety are of concern and dumping them into a
>soy based, fruity, veggie dring just isn't an option.

When eating raw eggs I think it is prudent to get the best quality from
the natural food store or the farmer's market. Also, it is my
understanding that most of the bacteria are on the outside of the shell
so you might want to refine your egg cracking technique so the shell
has little contact with the white or the yolk. I have never heard of
anybody getting sick from eating raw eggs and it is my belief that the
benefits outweigh the potential risks.

>I've already done the high carb, low fat routine and have a quad
>bypass to show for it, so "good health" comes in a different way for
>me.  Pre-op, it was suggested I not even have an egg in the house, let
>alone eat one -- post-op now I eat them with impunity which has
>resulted in perfect diabetes control without meds and perfect lipid
>profile (a TGL/HDL ratio of less than 1.0 as compared to the otherside
>of the moon)

Stories like yours never cease to amaze me.

>A half dozen grapes, a slice of orange or an organic carrot and I
>might as well have fallen into the Caramilk factory however which way
>they get the "gou" into those little squares.

And I thought I was sensitive to sugars. :-) You have paid a very high
price but now that you have found what works, you are in a sense lucky
as backsliding is not an option for you. Maybe over time your pancreas
will regenerate so you will be able to tolerate carbohydrates a little

>I hope this isn't disruptive or contrary to your goals, but I got to
>have my veggies cooked by the looks of it (pre-insulin day diabetic
>diet style of triple boil and rinse).

Lightly steaming the vegetables instead or preparing them raw in a food
processor will make their glycemic value rise less and leave more of
the nutrients intact.

>I want to increase my consumption of animal source protein and fat in
>an "un-prepared" as possible fashion to maximize nutrition and my well

It is my impression that most people who begin eating these foods are
coming off high carbohydrate diets, so it will be very interesting to
see if your well-being increases as you continue to integrate more raw
animal foods in your diet.  Aajonus Vonderpanitz who is promoting a
raw, Atkins-type diet says he is coming out with a (un)cook book later
this year. In his book "We Want To Live" (1-800-BOOK-LOG) he has only a
few recipes. He is big on making raw meat/raw fish pates mixing the
meat/fish with fresh herbs and/or vegetables and throwing them in the
food processor. Instinctive eaters like aging their meats and fish and
if you look in the archives Kirt Nieft especially has some excellent
posts on the subject earlier this year.

As somebody who is trying to get more raw meat and raw fish into my
diet, I hope you will keep us posted on any delicious meals that you
come up with.

Good to have you on board.

Best, Peter
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