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Wed, 7 May 1997 15:50:08 -0500 (CDT)
Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (130 lines)
>From "Seasalts Hidden" Powers by Jacques de Langre.  To order all the
Grain & Salt Society at 916-872-5800

Salt and Healing

"Celtic sea salt has countless medicinal uses.  It can help in
correction excess acidity; restoring good digestion; relieving
allergies and skin diseases; and preventing many forms of cancer.
Natural salt provides a steady boost in cellular energy and gives he
body a heightened resistance to infections and bacterial diseases.
Lima Ohsawa, macrobiotic healer in Japan, has emphatically stated many
times: "If you cook your vegetables without salt, you will never cure
any illness."  Refined salt has lost its ionic, electrolytic, positive
and negative charge properties.  It is that particular bio-electronics
quality which makes Celtic ocean salt a healing element and a vital,
necessary added ingredient in any vegetarian diet.
Natural sea salt dried by the sun's rays contains elements that enhance
the human organism by their radioactive properties. It is possible to
follow the path of radio calcium as it heads straight to the site of a
bone fracture or lesion of an organ upon entering the body. Other
radioactive isotopes work in the same manner, such as radio-manganese,
radio-phosphorus, or radio-magnesium.
These simple isotopes are led, ironically and electronically, in
straight pathway through the body to their required destination,
unerringly reaching the spot where they are needed most. They not only
perform such mechanical tasks as bone fracture mending, but are also
able to totally restore chronic organic malfunctions and correct
aberrant mental conditions.
The 70-plus trace elements have definite triggering actions on the
body's various functions, feeding the organs with a specific amount  -
measurable in parts per million - of elements that help to eliminate or
prevent disease. Biomedical research has, for years, recognized that a
number of illnesses are directly preventable by the action of metallic
ions in the organism such as magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, and
Isolating and administering these elements in the form of mineral
supplements is a popular method of treatment whenever a deficiency is
diagnosed by hair, nail, body fluid, or decal analysis.  Minerals work
in conjunction with each other, and they cannot work to heal when their
concentration is increased disproportionately beyond the level of parts
per million. Even in a dosage that consists in taking just one tablet
of mineral supplementation, the effect can be toxic by upsetting the
balance of minerals rather than beneficial.
Micro-dosages such as the magnesium salts, as they exist in naturally
sun-dried sea salt, which average about .75% of the total ocean solids,
are essential for the electrical breakdown of nutrients. As enzyme
activators and controllers of energy transfer in living cells,
magnesium salts are also catalysts for carbohydrate metabolism and
chemical reactions in the body. They regulate bone and brain
development, blood plasma, and dissolve
calcium oxalate deposits, more commonly called kidney stones.  If, as
in boiled salt, the magnesium salts are lacking or insufficient (less
than one half of one percent), kidney stones will form.
Taking a salt containing between half and three-quarters of 1% of
magnesium salt prevents the formation of kidney stones, dissolves those
already formed. Magnesium salts in excess of 3% of total solids in salt
will, on the other hand, create hardening of the joints and extreme
arthritis. Phosphorus is present in natural sea salt also in
micro-amounts, that of a period followed by four zeroes and then four
sixes (0.00006666). Phosphorus salt compounds initiate and renew bone
material which in turn maintain ionic blood composition.  They regulate
hydrogen ion concentration and vitamin absorption in tissue, and
prevent rickets and osteoporosis.
When is it necessity to take in more salt than a normal dose?  In the
case of hemorrhage, severe burns, violent physical trauma, acute
infection, shock from an illness, surgical intervention, or if very
deep emotional turmoil occurs, there is an immediate requirement for
extra potassium. This is best met by a salt solution made directly from
a natural light gray Celtic sea salt. This restores the potassium in
the inner cell through the process of transmutation from sodium.
Proper balance in the body is achieved by maintaining a relatively high
potassium content inside the cell and a relatively high sodium
concentration outside the cell. When these elements are in excess, this
re-establishment of balance can occur in many ways; through urine,
sweat, tears, or even vomiting."

Radiation Fallout Protection

" The daily use of natural gray Celtic sea salt protects the user by
neutralizing fallout radiation exposure because it supplies organic
iodine to the entire glandular network. The new science of
microchemistry has proven that several specific trace elements protect
the internal organs from artificial radiation, and that these
oligo-elements are most effective at micro-doses. In life-threatening
situations such as direct exposure to atomic radiation, potassium
iodide tablets are prescribed in an attempt to quickly saturate the
thyroid. It is hoped that this massive and sudden supplementation can
save lives by competing with and serving to clear the radio
active iodine that concentrate in the thyroid after exposure to an
atomic blast. The prescribed potassium iodine forces the radioactive
iodine to leave the body. This medical theory speculates that, as the
tablets flush the endocrinal system, the lethal effect of radioactive
iodine will be checked. Dr. William Weston, while an official in the
United States Department of Public Health, stated that the organically
bound iodine of foodstuffs (land-based algae, seaweeds, crabs, oysters,
lobsters, shrimps, etc.) is far more effective because it is slowly
released in the body. Artificially supplemented iodine is worthless
because it passes too quickly into the urine within as little as twenty
minutes. A better way to prepare against  the eventuality of atomic
fallout is to build a strong immune terrain ahead of time by simply
using real sea salt daily since it alone supplies the highest possible
level of organic iodine. The fixing capabilities of the clay stabilize
the iodine level at 800 parts per million, which is more than half of
the iodine of sea water.  While iodine is volatile and some of it
escapes into the atmosphere, the loss is minimized because
crystallization is completed in less than 12 hours. In the industrial
exploitation of salt, the salty brine stagnates from a few months to as
much as three years in the ponds and all of the iodine is already
evaporated in the crude stage well before further loss is inflicted
before the refining process is even begun.
It takes 30 liters (8 gallons) of sea water to produce one kilogram of
natural Celtic salt crystals. In the original liquid form of those 30
liters, the iodine content is on the order of 1500 parts per million.
Soil and crops near coastlines are richer in organic iodine than those
inland. Eating seaweeds, shore-grown vegetables or tideland saltwort
will supply as much as 100 milligrams of iodine per serving.
The latest findings in biology demonstrate that natural Celtic ocean
salts contain not only organic iodine compounds  but that those levels
are reinforced  by the presence of iodine-bearing microscopic algal and
phytoplankton  organisms that add organic quality iodine to these
salts. If the natural moisture in salt is forced-out or if it stored in
too hot an area, the salt will lose both of these iodine forms.
Therefore, it is always wise  to purchase natural Celtic ocean salt, a
moist salt and to protect its humidity by always storing it a cool and
dark place".

Best, Peter
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