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Sat, 26 Apr 1997 13:06:49 -0600
Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (121 lines)
>>As a fan and well wisher of Z's I wish him a speedy recovery,
>>and I look forward to his insights into this question.

>That is very kind of you to say Roy.  I do seem to be recovering well, I
>have no one to compare to of course as far as time.  I'm finally walking
>some:  like Frankenstein from Auschwitz, kind of lumbering on my skinny
>legs, but staying up.  I am done with the Vermox, the de-worming pills,
>and it looks like it's just between me and my body as far as healing on
>that realm.

Good to hear you are over the hump! It wasn't much fun hearing about your
decline, I tell you.

>Today I had some Manning's natural beef, which is the first
>meat, discounting egg yolks, I've had for about six weeks.  We'll see how
>that settles and works.

Hair of the dog, eh?

>I feel Deborah was/is an incredible organizer, decision maker, nurturer,
>mother, and so much more.  She made many very difficult decisions that I
>probably wouldn't have chosen in my desire for "naturalness."  I'm quite
>sure that I would have died if not for the allopathic support I received.

It does sound like you owe her a huge thanks. You put her in a tough
position and she did very well by you, me thinks, to put it very mildly ;)

>As for instincto theory.  I've been thinking about this.  I don't have
>any conclusions, but I do know I will not be eating varmints, including
>rats, mice, gophers, mongoose, and other not often eaten by people foods
>again or ever.  I will stick to tried and true foods, especially meats.
>My days of experimenting like that are over.  You know, the idea that we
>don't get disease eating instinctively, period, is obviously absurd.  I
>don't doubt people have been dying of parasites and worms since we began.

It sure seems that instinctos, overall, have shown that prefired humans
probably dropped like flies from parasites. I know, I know, we are products
of generations and decades of misnourihment, that our food supply is not
wild etc etc etc, but how is it that plenty of cooked folks have trich but
asyptomatically so, and here a many-year-instincto nearly dies of it? And
we recently learned here on this list that GC Burger himself resorted to
allopathy in response to malaria! What will be next? I sure as hell hope it
isn't me!

> Things die, period.  Nonetheless, I still feel that eating instinctively
>is "the lost knowledge of optimum nutrition."  Certainly, this near death
>experience has, as they say, changed me forever, and I'm not about to
>become paranoid, fearing a worm or a fluke in everything.  I will be more
>cautious and intelligent, and less invulnerable and carefree with meats
>for sure, but I consider this new information to add into my
>understanding, not validation to dis instincto.

Hmmm. I guess your near-neath-experience has changed me more than it has
you ;) It is not clear to me that your illness can be blamed entirely on a
raw mongoose liver. (You weren't the only person who consumed some of it is
my understanding.) If I were you I would be paranoid about parasites--hell,
I'm not you and I am paranoid from your experience. I feel that I may
simply have lucked out so far (especially since we eat far more seafood
than meat and very few organs--we simply can't find high quality land
animal foods in this country and most other countries either). How has it
changed you forever, Zephyr? I welcome your honesty about the experience in
this forum, but I think you are glubbing over some important stuff in the
paragraph above. There are folks who have been experimenting with RAF on
your and mine and others' recommendation. IMO, your experience deserves a
more thorough airing than it has recieved so far.

Can you describe the many weeks of what actually happened? Can you be
clearer on how it has changed your point of view? Can you offer up some
musings about how others might learn from your experience?

I consider your near-death a HUGE blow for
instincto-as-currently-prostelytised. Melisa and I can hardly remain
interested in "promoting" instincto as we have done in our unpublished
writing so far, and on this list (myself). Personally, I consider instincto
pretty much dead in the water insofar as it boasts Super Health and unity
in Nature, etc etc. The track record just gets worse and worse, not better
and better.

>>Roy (referring to parsite troubles)
>>(5) This is a flaw in Instincto theory.
>Instincto theory is a headtrip created by Guy Claude and promoted by
>folks like me, Bruno, Kirt, Pangaia, et al.  It's a theory.  Yeah, every
>other animal on earth only eats raw food, okay so there's some empirical
>evidence.  But past how I feel, and how much I enjoy food, the theories
>don't have too much value.  I want to live and enjoy life, and I'm not
>going to limit myself to instincto theory or any theory to do that.  If I
>need help, I'll receive it.

Huh? This seems so spurious as to be... It was theory that lead you to eat
wild RAF. If you want to live and enjoy life, you will apparently need to
learn much from you experience recently. No one is a bigger fan of
pooh-poohing theory than I, but I really question how non-theoretical you
were before your illness, and how non-theoretical you are now.
Perseverating on sensation at the _expense_ of useful ideation may be the
blindest theorising of all, no?

How much of your desire to eat RAF presently is simply to "prove" to
yourself that instincto theory is still valid. Again, it seems I remain
more deeply affected by your illness than you are. Something is _deeply_
wrong with how instincto is practiced today, or it would simply have a much
better track record. You seem to be saying that instincto is as hip as ever
except for varmit organs, or something like that. And then saying you don't
need any theory to boot!

What gives, Zephyr? Perhaps it is too early in your recovery to know what
is up but sooner or later this stuff needs to be discussed. And it should
probably be discussed in public since other health/truth seekers deserve to
hear about, and ask questions of, all instincto experience--and that
includes malaria, and now trich.

>Life is sexually transmitted...and always fatal,

Or perhaps: death is a sexually transmitted disease...and often life
affirming ;)
