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Print Reply
Sun, 16 Feb 1997 12:24:11 -0800
ombodhi thoren st john <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (144 lines)
	i cleaned up the white space on this.  posted to raw by bob.
posted to raw-food by me.

lovin' the sun,

The following article was originally written by Dr. Vivian Vetrano to
appear in the M2M, but it was too lengthy to fit.  M2M member Kendall
Black offered to send a printed copy to M2M members free of charge in M2M
#26.  Nevertheless, this excellent article diserves a wider audience, so
I am making it available herewith to the RAW newslist in 6 parts.


Bob Avery ([log in to unmask])

GENE TROUBLE by Dr.  V.  V.  Vetrano

Kendall Black of Grand Prairie Texas wrote me that he was having a
discussion in the newsletter *M 2 M* with Dr. Zovluck regarding the
powers and the limitations of the human organism.  He named a few
diseases which are classified as genetically determined and supposedly
can not be prevented by a healthful lifestyle.  Dr. Zovluck contends that
genetically determined diseases can be completely healed by Hygienic
means, but says he has not been personally involved in any such cases.
Dr. Zovluck mentions that a man who had muscular dystrophy, named Shawn
E.  fasted under my supervision in 1981.  Mr. Black, however, was
perplexed because in the first issue of the Common Health Sense
Magazine-book-catalogue, he discovered that I had written that I had
never cared for a case of Muscular Dystrophy. Let me clear up Mr. Black's
perplexities first.  The first issue of the Common Health Sense Magazine
carried a reprint of an article penned by me many years ago, entitled
"The pathological Point of No Return," in which I declared I had never
cared for a case of Muscular Dystrophy.  I did not get to update that
article before it was re-published.  Since first writing that particular
article I have cared for a few cases of Muscular Dystrophy. When speaking
of Muscular Dystrophy, most people, including practitioners,
automatically think of the Duchenne variety.  There are other varieties
of Dystrophy, including those cases which are not "genetically
determined."  The Duchenne type is usually the most serious type of
Dystrophy.  Having cared for so many Health Seekers over a span of
approximately thirty years, counting my telephone consultations, it is
quite impossible to remember every single case of disease and the name of
the person who had the disease.  Sporadically, I was caring for as
many as 50 faster-feeders daily.  I have had several cases of the various
types of Muscular Dystrophy, but without having access to my files I
cannot remember names, ages or particulars, except for one outstanding
case which I will explain later.  Hopefully, in the future, I shall be
able to catalog all cases of so called incurable diseases that recovered
either partially or completely under Hygienic care.  I am sure we will
find some startling evidence about many so called irreversible
conditions, including some considered genetically determined, and how
they do indeed improve dramatically. With Hygienic guidance people have
recovered from very serious conditions.  As I checked Health Seekers into
the Health School, there were some conditions of which I felt the
degenerative deteriorations were far advanced, and complete reversibility
was doubtful.  I always explained this to the Health Seeker, but was
careful not to discourage anyone.  I said I was skeptical that s/he could
recover completely.  But I also explained that I would do my best to help
him help Nature, and if he would also do his best and give his body a
genuine chance to heal and to reverse the pathology, then he should see
some remarkable improvements in his health.  With this in mind the
patient tried, hoped and persevered until many times complete recovery
occurred! I am amazed at what Nature can do when you seriously work with
her, instead of merely trying in a desultory or haphazard fashion with
many compromises in between.  I have seen near miraculous recoveries with
my own eyes, and I know they happen.  In fact, rather than being careful
about the cases I admitted to the Health School, I liked and admitted the
challenging cases.  All others were too easy.  This led to my legal
difficulties, but I was discovering new things about Hygiene while at the
same time helping the helpless. The topic of discussion at this time
seems to be genetically_determined diseases, i.e.  those diseases passed
down to the child through the parents' genes. The contention is that the
affected child cannot be helped by a healthful lifestyle because his
disease is genetically determined.  The genes of the child are damaged or
missing so that the child is supposedly destined to develop the disease
that was transmitted to him by his/her parents. A genetic fact that is
important to understand is that it is not actually only the parent from
which we derive our characteristics.  It is from the genomes of
antiquity. A child may or may not look like, or have the attributes of
the parents of this generation, but may more resemble a grandparent or
great grandparent. Genetic structure is maintained intact and separate
from the body cells of all individuals throughout the ages.  This is
known as the continuity of the "germ plasm."  We do not produce *de
nouveau* germ cells.  We are the beneficiaries of the genomes of the
ancient.  The line of descent is from germ cell to germ cell, and our
bodies are merely off shoots from the germ cells.  More significant and
more important however, is the fact that we are the protectors of these
precious genomes or seeds. What we do and how we live affects our
precious germ cells.  Could we but take care of and value them as do
collectors of ancient plant and fruit seeds, we would be furthering the
health and happiness of future generations. All substances, factors, and
influences that affect our health either detrimentally or beneficially
also affect our germ cells.  The damage to our genes can be great or
minuscule.  One or several genes may be damaged, changed, or partially or
completely missing.  Some genes may have blockers, or end codons to stop
it from continuing to manufacture a certain metabolically important
protein.  A pin-point mutation could occur, wherein a gene protein is
structurally changed by the replacement of one amino acid with another
improper one, thus causing this gene protein to become nonfunctional.  A
chromosome can be slightly torn, or split completely apart, triplicated,
or have any number of things wrong with it just as can our genes.  Even a
minute change from normal has its detrimental effects on cellular
function.  When the damage is of such a nature that the consequences of
impaired cellular function is too great, there comes a time when the
individual cannot reproduce, and if conception occurs the chances are
great that the fetus will die.  If it does not die *in utero* it cannot
live long after birth. Eventually, the line that possesses the greatly
damaged genes becomes extinct.  Nevertheless, in all genetically
predetermined diseases, there is a range of genetic changes that are in
between the severely damaged and the healthy gene. Past research has
demonstrated that "Nutrition is master of heredity." Dr. Shelton and
other more conventional doctors wrote about this many years ago. Upon
probing deeper into the study of genetics, while studying radiation
biology, and finally, after getting depressed over the damages of
ionizing radiation, I discovered that there *are* such things as reverse
mutations.  In other words, when a gene has been damaged either by
nutritional deficiencies or by radiation, under the proper conditions,
the body can correct the induced defect.  We can greatly hasten a
correction of a mutation by supplying top quality food and all the other
essentials of physiology.  It is a fact that a mutated gene can be
corrected by the body when the elements of good nutrition are supplied.
Life forces cause a correction of the defective gene, or chromosome.  The
entire body is self-healing. Do you think a self-healing organism can
heal its bodily structures and not also be able to heal its seed?  The
self-healing powers of the body repair, heal and correct biochemical
errors and genetic structures just as easily as it does diseases that are
not thought of as genetically pre-determined.  But because the genetic
damage has pre-programmed the body to function abnormally, getting well
of any particular genetically determined condition won't be a rapid
process.  Getting well depends upon the extent of the gene damage, and
how important the phase of metabolism that is affected is to life.  In
other words, the speed of recovery of health is proportional to the
seriousness of the malfunction caused by the genetic damage. One cannot
ascertain with certainty whether a particular genetically determined
disease will or will not completely recover.  Hence, all one can do is
earnestly try and hope.  Present research shows that genetic factors
other than those of the genetic disease in an affected individual can
dampen, or keep at bay, the most serious genetic disease which that
individual may have.  This should generate hope in despairing or doubtful