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Sat, 15 Feb 1997 01:54:04 -0600 (CST)
Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (189 lines)
Dave Karas said:
>Natures First Law has some new tapes that may be helpful to people on
>raw food diets. Here is info on how to get them.

Stephen said:
>> Just to let you know, my partners and I just produced three 2-hour
>>Raw-Food videos,  four 1-hour Raw-Food audio tapes, and two 20-page
>>essays (1. "How to Gain Weight and Strength on The Raw-Food Diet" &
>> 2. "How to Win an Argument with a Cooked-Food Eater").

Peter said:
And 3. "How to Loose an Argument with a Cooked-Food Eater" should be
out any day now. Sorry guys, but if you were lawyers you would not have
been able to get a conviction at Salem. ;-) Excuse me, I could not help
myself  <"BAD MODERATOR!!">

Ric said:
>If the missing bacteria was the problem, then all four of us had the
>same bacterial shortage, since we all reacted much the same when the
>milk was dropped.  But everyone's unique, so who's to say?

Peter said:
Being of the same blood and by living & eating together you were in
many ways exposed to the same inner and outer environmental factors.
Add to that people with weakened digestive powers can only differ
so much in basic symptomology and that having problems with dairy is
one of the most common ones.

Ric said:
>The cruelty to our fellow animals alone in our practice of stealing
>their milk is now enough for me...when I was so hooked on the taste of
>the dairy, I had a hard time admitting those sentiments (even though
>they rumbled uncomfortably in my subconscious).

Peter said:
Steuves dairy cows are far from living an ideal life, but calling it
cruelty I find bit of a stretch. Cruelty is what you find in factory
farming, but I intend to look more into this subject and will report
back when I do.

Ric said:
>Sadly, David has been in a Mexican prison outside of Mexico City for
>almost four years, now.  A real tragedy.

Peter said:
I am truly sorry to hear of his misfortune. Mexican prison is by no
means a picnic. When is he expected out? - surely by now he must have
gotten some qualified legal counsel.

Peter said:
>>And how has the San diego raw food community handled the loss of one
>>its most inspired front figures namely C.J. who wrote the book "The
>>Christ Diet"? I understand that he is now back on a mostly cooked
>>diet with lots of CAF's.

Ric said:
>Don't think you'd recognize Charles today.  He just doesn't look the
>healthy, fit guy that he was when down here a few years ago.

Peter said:
You must have met his weakly twin brother. :-) When I met him 6 months
ago he looked absolutely radiantly healthy and better than I have ever
seen him, and I would give my right hand to look just half as good as
he does. He said he was feeling better than he ever did on his raw
vegan diet and claimed to have more energy and a faster recovery rate
when exercising. He seemed very happy to have his raw days behind him
and said his main reason for eating his meat cooked was a fear of
parasites. I informed him of Ron Schmid's and the instincto line on
this subject, and he said he would look into it.

Peter said:
>>Since most animals die or are killed at the first sign of any
>>weakness it is not so easy to assess if they do succumb to some of
>>the diseases that inflict man. I was surprised to hear that mountain
>>gorillas come down colds living in their damp environment.

Ric said:
>Where did you "hear" that one?  Did you verify the report's

Peter said:
So you think it was one of those wives' tales that so often are spun
down at the local primatology club? Maybe. ;-) I saw it on a cable
special on the life of the mountain gorillas and also read it in an
article on African primates. If I can dig up information on either, I
will post it to the list.

Ric said:
>>>>>The many anthropological observations that have been made over the
>>>>>ages made me believe we just aren't equipped with the special
>>>>>equipment birth righted to carnivorous critters.

Peter said:
>>Even Alan Walker's research never showed that. Whatever observations
>>you are referring to all modern research contradicts it. If in doubt
>>read the Ward Nicholson interviews in H & B.

Ric said:
>I think Roe Gallo, in her new book, "Body Ecology" sums up my position

Peter said:
What are you referring to specifically? Having just skimmed through the
book the only reference I could find was on p.21: "It has been widely
acknowledged that the human body is that of an herbivore" followed by
the classical natural hygiene definitions of herbivores and carnivores.
This does not IMO qualify for being one of "many anthropological

Ric said:
>Not having had the pleasure of reading Ward's interviews in H &
>B, to which you refer, I'm of course at a loss to respond with any

Peter said:
Thanks to Bhodi you will not be in that predicament any longer, and I
hope you will give them your best vegan counter-arguments.

Ric said:
>Holy crow...just look back at what Hitler did for the downtrodden
>Germans after Word War I. He took up that trampled nation, made them
>proud again, and rode an immense wave of popularity as he began the
>identical things that have been going on here the past thirty or so
>years.  Look what our valiant government did to some odd ball
>religious folk, including their innocent children...a group
>that committed no violence, didn't even violate any laws...it made an
>example of them.  It put FEAR in the hearts of our citizenry...just as
>Adolf did.  We burned up those poor people, children included, at
>Waco...and has one government goon yet been tried for murder
>one..."special circumstances?"

Peter said:
Comparing the Waco tragedy to Hitlers atrocities is quite a leap in my
mind, and as was seen later at the long siege in Idaho (or was it
Montana?) the whole incident made the FBI very gun shy.

Ric said:
>And somebody thinks this sort of government-corporate consortium can
>resolve our problems of global pollution.

Peter said:
I do not think that anybody here is saying that. I agree with most of
your sentiments about the government and how it is in the cahoots with
big money, but I do not think it is very constructive to completely and
absolutely write it off the way you do. I find it very disheartening to
see the extent so many Americans today seemed to have completely
written off their political system and retreated to a negative,
conspiratorial and paranoid outsider position that can only breed more
conflict and strife. Raw foods to me is a positive, constructive
energy, and I am sure that if you want to try to solve a particular
environmental problem in San Diego, odds are you are going to need all
the help you can get including that from local & federal government.

Ric said:
>I'm glad he buried the hatchet with his speech mentor and early
>motivator, Tony Robbins, though.  That was a good move.  Tony taught
>him how to present himself in front of large audiences.  It was
>miraculous...the change.

Peter said:
As I understand it, Harvey Diamond has for the last couple of years
been trying to launch a national franchise of natural health fitness
clubs. The first one I believe opened some time ago in Austin, Texas
run by author and Life Science graduate Art Baker. Speaking of Austin I
hear that the Optimum Health Institute of San Diego - the largest raw
food institution in the world with a capacity of over 100 clients at a
time - has just opened up a new center in this Texas university

Ric said:
> How the heck does one quickly deal with over 200 unread
>messages...while also making a living and doing other things?

Peter said:
I hear you. It is an art to keep up and still maintain the resemblance
of a normal life.

Ric to Kirt:
>I just don't know where I've got the time.  But I'll try...especially
>to your postings, since our perspectives are significantly different
>on a bunch of the raw issues.

Peter said:
I look forward to your response to Kirt's latest "Raw Law" posting.

Best, Peter
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