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Thu, 6 Feb 1997 09:13:30 -0700
Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (92 lines)
Hey Peter! nice to hear from you!

>"Nuts and seeds have been a limited part of the food supply for many
>native cultures. Perhaps when carefully stored they are a reasonable
>food taken in small quantities, but by an large they seem to cause
>nothing but trouble." His concerns about rancidity can quite easily be
>overcome by proper handling & storing as can the issue of
>indigestibility by pre-soaking.

Yeah, but sprouting quickly "converts the oil away", no? Schmid's also down
on nightshades (including tomatos--a staple in season for many rawists I
assume). Interestingly, he seems to be justifying his experiences with his
theory on both veggie fats and nightshades. But, like with Vonderplanitz,
the experience is intersting enough all by itself...Hmmm..

>When I met him last year he was quite adamant that a raw, vegan diet
>would lead to chronic deficiencies which is in line with what he says
>on p..91-92:<snip Uncle Herbie and 4-year old girl story>

That _is_ an important quote. Thanks for typing it up. (I must thank you
since the vegans aren't likely to ;))

>Kirt said:
>>All of which is why I have not held instincto out as the be all and
>>end all of diets. As Peter reminds me, instincto is young and in a
>>somewhat narcisistic stage... Maybe sometime soon, instincto newcomers
>>can avoid such long-term mistakes by focusing less on the idealism of
>>the instincto diet and more on common sense. :/

>Beautifully put. You have never before made your case for instincto so
>compellingly !!!

Ha! I think I was making _your_ case for instincto, but i'll take it
however I can get it :)

>Kirt said:
>>There are a couple of formerly raw-vegan folks in M2M who appear to be
>>doing very well with instincto including RAF, and both already have
>>respect for "too much fruit" from their vegan days so they should be a
>>step up on it all. That said, one recently surprised me by hoping that
>>after resolving whatever deficiencies present with RAF they would like
>>to return to vegan because it is more comfortable ideologically. Here
>>I thought _anyone_ who experienced RAF would walk away from veganism,
>>but that doesn't seem to be the case among the folks I've heard about
>>so far. Tain't nothing simplistic

>That is right. I know not one but two instinctive eaters who are
>playing with the idea of returning to a vegan diet. I think it is a
>natural stage that many ex-vegan instinctos will go through before
>returning to RAF for good. Not a bad conclusion coming from a vegan.:-)

Interesting idea. Makes a lot of sense the more I consider it...

>Kirt said:
>>Indeed, isn't it the same self-control
>>being used to eat avo skin that would be useful in not cutting into
>>(or buying in the first place!) the extra avo? I question whether
>>eating a relatively toxic avo skin would be more harmful than eating
>>the extra avo that it may pre-empt.

>How could it be toxic when it tastes delicious?

The skin by itself tastes delicious? Hass skin? Well, if it does, of
course, go for it!

Then again, the pith (and sometimes skin) on this year's navel crop is
better than the flesh...

>>Melisa and I are concentrating more on RAF (testing everyday and thus
>>eating 4 or 5 times/week), instead of waiting until we feel
>>unsatisfied on plant foods before giving RAF a try. In fact, the most
>>drastic avo taste I ever got was in New Zealand when my RAF consuption
>>(beef and oysters) was relatively high (though not as high as the last
>>few weeks).

>I look forward to getting a report on your progress.

On the dairy front, Melisa has spooned about a half cup of keifer down the
gullet the last five days, and she gets very clear sour stops everytime,
and is feeling good (no minor morning mucus either). I suspect the
different drummer deep down in each of us could care less about nutritional
theory or a restricted raw regime, but only about banging that taut animal
skin as feels right...

Say Ombodhi! You getting stops from your keifer or are you guzzling it
Gatorade style? Or both or neither?
