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Sun, 2 Feb 1997 18:57:26 -0800 (PST)
"Eric (Ric) Lambart" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (102 lines)

>>Even Henry G. Bieler, MD was bringing various cancer problems under control
>>back in the WWII years.  ....

>If all this info cannot be expanded here, please take my hand and lead me to
>a discussion elsewhere: Doctors everywhere have been getting the message
>loud and clear (I just read that $1 1/2 billion(?) was spent on alternative
>medicine last year, by 30% of the people. We can, on the basis of the bottom
>line Hippocrates was so fond of embracing ( :o ), be sure there will be a
>massive rash of new holistic clinics built in the immediate present.
>Complete with experts, ahem. Caveat, patients!! (It will be necessary to
>observe the dates of certifications on the wall instead of white hair on
>top of a benign visage.)

Wow, is your writing articulately colorful!

>It is certain (if I say it, it is so!!) that outside of ER medicine,trauma
>and such, modern medicine often merely gives many patients a little extra
>time for their own body to mend itself, if not given TOO many noxious
>chemicals at once to swallow. (Okay, perhaps I wax a bit too
>enthusiastically to my premise. This was just my way of agreeing with your
>open-minded acceptance of "other", above--I confess to ignorance of those
>people above you mention, and would like to know more, if you have the time
>and inclination!

Pat, are you Ms. or Mr. Pat?

Re the mentioned MDs that pioneered and/or still are, the alternatives to
conventional cut, poison and burn insanity now so prevalent:

Dr. Henry G. Bieler actually (fortunately) wrote a book before leaving this

"Food is Your Best Medicine"

You'll be able to find either the hard or paper covered versions.  A good
transitional book.

Dr. Max Gerson, was world famed for being the first man to conquer the
previously always fatal "disease," lupus vulgaris.  He did it with diet
alone in Germany during the 30's...and he seems to be the fitting claimant
for being cited as the discoverer of how to make carrots into
juice...before juicers.  Dr. Albert Sweitzer considered him the greatest
clinician alive, at the time, attributing his wife's life to Gerson's
skill.  He was driven to an early death by the ruthless scoundrels running
the NY Medical society.  He dared to speak publicly about his innovative
therapy with Cancer, not too long after escaping the Nazis and emigrating
to the U.S.  He got some spectacular remissions, especially among patients
given up as hopeless by the best at the prestigious Sloan-Kettering
facility in Manhattan.

His last book, "A Cancer Therapy, 50 Cases," is a classic.  He was also the
subject of an investigative journalist's attempt to expose him as the quack
alleged by the conventional medics.  That expose book was converted by the
writer, an S. J. Haught, I believe, into a paperback basically attesting
Gerson was a modern era medical hero: "Cancer Cure?

Gerson's daughter, Charlotte, still runs the Gerson Institute, I believe.
It's in Chula Vista or Bonita Springs, California.  They should have copies
of both books if you can't find them elsewhere.  Their operational clinic,
of course, is out of the country...in a coastal town called Las Playas,
just west of Tiuana, B.C.

Dr. Hoxey was another giant...who, after deposing his principal harasser at
the AMA Headquarters in Chicago, had his chief nurse move the only
remaining clinic to Tijuana, Mexico.  She is a character beyond belief.  A
lady who originally got involved trying to "expose" Hoxey as an evil quack,
too. They can be reached by calling long distance to Tijuana, or by
contacting the Cancer Control Society's Lorraine Rosenthal in Los Angeles.
They've even got a video about Hoxey and the treatment, plus lots of
printed information.

In more current times, Stanislau Burzynski, MD and PhD, is under attack
(still, over five years running) at his Houston, Texas clinical facilities.
Amazingly enough, a surprisingly large number of TV network shows have
recently done specials on his story.  I know the man personally, and he is
truly a high calibre hero...a decided exception to his bretheren in the
allopathic trades.  First of all, he's a scientist (micro-biologist, I
believe), not just a "healing artisan."  His therapy, using his own
non-toxic chemo materials, is far less expensive than are conventional
treatments, and, unlike them, where a few patients may actually go into
remission for a period in spite of the treatments, Burzynski's therapy is
quite different...and clearly far too successful for him to go without
being noticed.  You can write his Clinic in Houston for information, or use
something like Lexis-Nexus to latch onto the abundant material on his work.

Hope I didn't leave any of the physicians out in which you were interested.

What's important, of course, is to know that many real solutions for these
exotic killer diseases such as Cancer are not lurking somewhere in our
future, but are actually alive and well, being used in places outside the
forbidden confines of our once more free nation.

I don't have time to go into this further, but by contacting Lorraine in
Los Angeles, you can surely get your hands on a great deal more info than
I've shared in this message.

Good luck,
