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Fri, 31 Jan 1997 19:12:18 -0500
Pat Stephens <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (109 lines)
(This was early '70's, the book was not revised and reprinted until until 1981

>Wasn't aware of it's republication...wonder who did it?

Oh, sorry, forgot my manners---the USDA, Human Nutrition Info.Ser.; Bulletin
# 72; Pueblo, Colo.   Thought I'd be a good guy and I just called them. Are
you ready? It's out of print. Grrrrrr. NOT good for blood pressure. They
don't have any money for that. Or see any need for it. Or care. Arrrrgh!!!

>>You have encouraged me to compare the chart in Adele's book with
>>the recommendation in the revised book (both are figures from the
>> National Academy of Science)
>>and the RDA's are very similar, for all nutrients except protein (some
>>variations in age span), but you are right---in 1970 the RDA for protein for
>>middle aged women was 58g/128#weight, and in 1981, it was 44g/120# weight,
>>for the same height.

>Wonder how big the differences when you check back earlier than the 70s?

I dunno, that booklet was out of print in 1970, and I now live an hour from
the library where I found it before. I wonder if Kate Hepburn and Spencer
Tracy work there, I could call and get them to look it up (yes, that WAS a
long time ago).  :)

>>(With the increasing obesity, ....the need for
>>protein has risen back up again because of the work required to carry it
>>around....I may not be kidding, either!

>I get your drift, but not too sure about the protein question.  Still
>inclined to think we're seriously overproteinized...but most
>importantly...we're over proteinized with denatured protein foods...mighty
>dangerous and toxic "food."  Adele, to my recollection, never got into the
>issue of what sort of protein was most useful to our organism.

Now it's MY turn to be agreeable, Ric!! (I thought you were a "No" man on a
holiday there, for a while!

>>(for men:70g/154# vs 56g/154# (1" taller!) Strange statistics aren't they?

>The real shocker it to go back to the early part of this century, or the
>latter part of the last, and then look at the NAS's recommendations (MDR
>Protein).  This helped me realize the dangers in ever taking these sorts of
>data sources seriously.  They keep coming up with the "last word", but the
>last word is usually changed from what it was at the prior declaration....

Oh, but that is de riguer, and will always be as long as we have brains,
---you still agreeing, Ric? They includes me and thee, you know?

>I always like to remind myself that most of our daily protein requirements
>(approximately 80%?) are quite easily met by our system's recycling
>mechanism.  Youngsters and hard working folks clearly need more than the
>more sedantary among us, but still honestly believe the big problem over
>here (the US) is one of too much, not too little.  Surely there isn't much
>obvious protein defficiency manifesting among our poorly fed youngsters.

Absolutely, and we are the best fed in the world; I just think it could be
so MUCH better. And this list provides the info and incentive to pursue that
in lebenty-leben different directions, you know?

>>...she had an extra side
>>helping of avariciousness (Rx:take two anti-personality Type-A gel tabs, and
>>do an extra 15 min.yoga, plus 30 min.meditation on charity).


Ric, you have the cutest smile!!!!

>>It is tough to prevent or stop cancer in DDT land, no matter how good the
>>nutrition, no matter how good the medicine.

>...  Over thirty years of observing the "alternative"
>cancer care scene has convinced me that there are all kinds of quite
>effective therapies available...just not legally so here in the states.
>Burzynski's fabulous work down in Houston, for example:  the state and Feds
>are working day and night to shut him down and put him behind bars for the
>rest of his life, but this travesty of corrupt "justice" isn't managing to
>keep the truth completely hidden.  He's getting great results with all
>kinds of really deadly varieties of that horrific disease, especially brain
>tumors.  The more successful he is, of course, the harder they push to shut
>him down.

>Even Henry G. Bieler, MD was bringing various cancer problems under control
>back in the WWII years.  Gloria Swanson was one of his more notable and
>visible examples of what he did with his protein deprivation management.
>Drs Max Gerson and Hoxey weren't slouches, either.  Even Dr. Ann (Wigmore)
>had some spectacular case histories to tout.

If all this info cannot be expanded here, please take my hand and lead me to
a discussion elsewhere: Doctors everywhere have been getting the message
loud and clear (I just read that $1 1/2 billion(?) was spent on alternative
medicine last year, by 30% of the people. We can, on the basis of the bottom
line Hippocrates was so fond of embracing ( :o ), be sure there will be a
massive rash of new holistic clinics built in the immediate present.
Complete with experts, ahem. Caveat, patients!! (It will be necessary to
observe the dates of certifications on the wall instead of white hair on
top of a benign visage.)

It is certain (if I say it, it is so!!) that outside of ER medicine,trauma
and such, modern medicine often merely gives many patients a little extra
time for their own body to mend itself, if not given TOO many noxious
chemicals at once to swallow. (Okay, perhaps I wax a bit too
enthusiastically to my premise. This was just my way of agreeing with your
open-minded acceptance of "other", above--I confess to ignorance of those
people above you mention, and would like to know more, if you have the time
and inclination!
