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Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 3 Dec 1996 21:57:30 -0800
text/plain (59 lines)
>Yes, of course humans do have the intelligence to make/use weapons to
>kill animals for self-defense or using sticks and stones for various
>activites (we never said that they don't), but humans are simply not
>biological hunters for the eating of meat.  There is *absolutely
>nothing* in our biological make-up that even suggests this (see
>Appendix B of our book).

Most people on this list do not have your book. If you want to make a
point please be more specific.

>It is amusing to see all these raw-meat eaters and "want-to-be"
>hunters when *none* of them make their own kills.  Until they make
>their own kills (which they don't really have the guts to) they can't
>really back up one word.

Not true. You need to read Kirt's and Zephyr's posts more carefully.

>>I suspect that I will experiment with cooked foods years down the

>You just lost all credibility with us on this statement.  You proved
>our point to a tee that instincto-eating is recreational
>experimentation with unnatural substances for the human organism.

And you have just lost all credibility with me.  You need to lighten up
and learn to treat people who hold different views than yourself with
respect & courtesy.  Kirt has taken your personal attacks very
gracefully and has given you no cause for you to treat him with such
disdain.  As a moderator I cannot let this kind of behavior go on for
much longer.

>So, you've been eating bread, pasta, and cooked vegetables longer than
>we've been alive.  So what?

Shoot, I get no points for not eating meat in all these years? :-(

>How long have you been 100% raw-vegetarian?

Sorry, I do not play this game. It is your turn to start responding to
the long list of questions you have chosen to ignore starting off with
Roy's elequent questions from some time ago. The list is for dialogue
not monologue and if you cannot appreciate this list is not for you.

>Concerning scientific references, read Chapter 23, "Nutrition Is No
>Science" and Chapter 35, "Cooked-Food Scientists Know Nothing" out of
>our book.

Again, most people here do not have your book.

>Until next time -- have a rawesome day,

>Stephen, David, and R.C.
>Nature's First Law

As moderator I have to insist that you fully identify yourselves in
each signature. I need to know exactly who is writting your posts, and
only one name will be accepted for each post. Thank you!