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ombodhi thoren st john <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 03 Dec 1996 15:01:27 -0800
text/plain (221 lines)
the entity calling itself Nature's First Law wrote:

> Sandy wrote:

> >...we have the intelligence to make the weapons to kill animals so it's
> >natural...

> Yes, of course humans do have the intelligence to make/use weapons to kill
> animals for self-defense or using sticks and stones for various activites
> (we never said that they don't), but humans are simply not biological
> hunters for the eating of meat.  There is *absolutely nothing* in our
> biological make-up that even suggests this (see Appendix B of our book).
> It is amusing to see all these raw-meat eaters and "want-to-be" hunters
> when *none* of them make their own kills.  Until they make their own kills
> (which they don't really have the guts to) they can't really back up one
> word.

			   i find my pulse rate raises whenever i read your
posts.  maybe my body needs to tell me something important.  perhaps you
write in an exciting style.  or could it be the thrill of not knowing who
"you" "is"?  i truly hope the moderators don't ban your booty for ignoring
their request to sign one name, because i laugh quite a bit while reading
your writings.  there!  the laughter raises my pulse! ...

	a couple months ago you would have found a bodhi with health views
much closer to your own.  go back a couple years and i should feel
embarassed to admit i had similar *style* (some called me arrogant).  now,
however, i count myself a "raw beegan with instincto curiosity".  like
peter, i have a fair amount of personal issues involved.  spreading john
robbins' message on the yes! tour and having a buddhist father who raised me
buddhist would top the list.  first vegan of my high school junior year
(shunning honey), first high raw (officially 100% raw, secretly bingeing)
student during my senior year.  i find it much harder to eat meat again,
after giving it up after freshman year.  but i told my ant & honey story
here, and i've had thoughts about that egg stand at the farmer's market.
the raw milk in health food stores hasn't attracted me.

	i have thoughts of my mom collecting oysters & clams up in canada,
and me trying one before she gets a-steamin'!  if i keep reading kirt's
rhapsodies, i will find myself in that scene this summer.  egg seems so much
easier, karmically.  not *really* killing, right?  at least in some's eyes.
 zephyr's book has opened my mind quite a bit, too.  i don't know if i'll
eat fresh fish in canada among the cooked-foodists.  to break from my
animal-free condition, i would love to visit pangaia and have the deep
support fellow instinctos can offer.  uh-oh, have i stepped over the line?
will gabriel cousens ever accept me as an essene brother at the tree of life
if i have liver breath?  these thoughts expand my comfort zone, terrify,
challenge, and dig deep.  as others have noted, i like having my assumptions
shaken up!

	apparently you don't, stephen/david/r.c.?  have you read any tom
brown, jr.?  i have two books by him in front of me, _the_tracker_ and
_tom_bronw's_guide_to_wild_edible_and_medicinal_plants_.  he might have
something to say about the laws of nature.  the cover of the latter book

	For untold thousands of years, human beings have thrived on the
nutritional and medicinal wealth of the plant life in the natural world.  In
these fascinating, wide-ranging, wonderfully informative stories, Tom Brown,
-- director of the world-famous Tracking, Nature and Wilderness Survival
School -- tells all about the uncommon benefits of the common trees, shrubs,
flowers, and other plants we find around us.
how to use every part of the plant -- leaves, flowers, bark, bulbs, and
Where to find useful plants, and the best times of year and stages of growth
to harvest them.
How to prepare delicious food dishes, soups, breads, and teas from riches of
the great outdoors.
An incredible range of experience-proven medicinal uses to treat headaches,
burns, digestive disorders, skin problems, and a host of other maladies.
At the age of eight, Tom Brown, Jr., began to learn tracking and hunting
under the tutelage of the Apache elder, Stalking Wolf.  Featured in PEOPLE
magazine as the "Pine Barrens Tracker," Tom Brown disappeared at the height
of his fame to spend a year in the wilderness with only a knife, honing the
skills that he shares today at his famous survival school and in this unique
series of books.


"When somebody moves something in your house, you notice it.
 When somebody moves something in the woods, i notice it."
		-- Tom Brown, Jr., in PEOPLE magazine
still tuned in, nfl?  well, i had a bit of trouble swallowing all of
tom brown when i first read him as a high-fruit raw vegan (i still eat
mostly fruit, but my mind has begun to wander down other paths).  he talks
plenty in about looking at animal tracks, which for me had a certain
significance, but not for primary survival, as i didn't eat anything that
left tracks.  so i bought the second book to check out the plants
specifically.  now i'd like to attend one of tom brown's classes.  i met a
mom of one his students on the east coast while touring for yes! (sure did
meet an interesting batch of people on that journey).  she told me of the
sandbox he built in her basement so he could study tracks.  he would have
her (or others) walk across the sand, then he would really *see* the details
left in the impressions.  he'd have her stop, raise her hand above her head,
or look to the side, and he'd notice the differences in her markings.
pretty incredible perceptions to have at one's command.  any instincto's
made it through a tom brown course?  i expect he'd have more receptivity to
instincto philosophy than natural hygiene or any other raw trip (including
nfl.  sorry, guys!).

 Kirt Wrote:
> >I suspect that I will experiment with cooked foods years down the line...

> You just lost all credibility with us on this statement.  You proved our
> point to a tee that instincto-eating is recreational experimentation with
> unnatural substances for the human organism.

i hope tom brown hasn't lost *all* credibility with you.  i guess i have
limited credibility at best, because i don't suspect that i will experiment
with cooked foods years down the line, but i do suspect that i will eat some
dried fish with kirt at some point.  i need cassia first!  what does manis
charge?  anyone got some they don't want anymore?

 Sandy wrote:
>>In your book your mention several times pasteurized milk, I assume your
>>thoughts are the same on raw milk, or am I wrong?

> Drinking the milk of another animal, raw or cooked, is totally ridiculous
> and inimical to the natural order.  Reverse the situation and try to
> picture a baby cow or goat sucking on the nipple of a female-human's
> breast.  It's really the same thing.

	many people have had their lives ruined because of involvement in
"picturing a baby cow or goat sucking on the nipple of a female-human's
breast" and worse crimes of bestiality.  "illegal" sex between two
*consenting* sentient beings?  any literature on anecdotal stories of this
nature, ward?  how close do humans get to the gorillas, chimps, baboons,
etc., they study?  what about sex with plants?  don't forget the weekly
wheatgrass (biogenic fulfillment from _the_tender_touch_).  ;-)

>>Will you be writing another book one day to help folks make the transition
>>to raw?  I was just left wondering what folks who liked your strong
>>message and wanted to eat raw would do if they were absolutely new to the
>>whole subject.

> Hundreds of people have already made the transition by reading our book.
> Our book is not one to make people transition gradually or merely increase
> one's raw-food intake.  We're not interested in holding anyone's hand
> through the process.  They either have the natural instinct, or they
> don't. Nature is constantly selecting and culling out those individuals that are
> unfit for reproduction.  Our book is specifically designed to get people
> to go 100% raw-vegetarian immediately.  It's just the natural process to
> gravitate towards more and more fruit.  It truly amazes us when people
> can't immediately see the truth of our information.

	hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahaahaahaaahaaahaaahaahaha!  i'll let
others respond to you on this one.  blessings on those who go 100% raw, and
may you continue to communicate with them.

> Though it may seem impossible, hundreds of people have already made the
> transition to 100% raw by reading our book.
> We receive hundreds of letters and e-mails every day.  We are now in the
> process of putting together an album of all the most interesting comments
> concerning our ideology and our book. We will have it at all of our
> appearances for anyone that would like to look through.

	i'd love for you to post all your appearances to veg-raw, so those
who have the ability & motivation to come see you, can.  even better, i'd
love to see a post of all correspondance you feel appropriate in sharing
(respecting privacy boundaries, of course).  a link on your web page could
let many others browse the collective comments.

> Some of the most interesting comments thus far have come from: Steve Jobs,
> Tony Robbins, Col. J.D. Barkley, Helmut Wandmaker, Don Meritsky, Roe
> Gallo, Robin Gibb, T.C. Fry, Rene Beresford, Ryan Vallee, Axel Makaroff,
> Morris  Blaze, Joe Alexander, Phyllis Avery, Ric Lambart, Dan Millman, Hans
> Reusch, Hillary Clinton, Geoff Tate, Charles Manson!, and many others.

	if you only have time to post a couple from the list, i vote for
tony robbins, joe alexander, dan millman, & hillary clinton.  (don't tell me
charles manson has adopted the living foods lifestyle?!?!)  many on this
list would probably plod through whatever mountains of living-letters you
chose to post.  it might even improve your reputation around here, but then
again, i might have just lowered mine.  dis-repute!

 Peter wrote:
> >I have been a vegetarian for longer than most of you guys have been alive
> >& would truly love to see just one scientific reference from the
> >paleolithic/anthropological field from the past 20 twenty years that
> >supports your contention that a strict vegan, high fruit diet is what
> >humans beings are genetically adapted to eat.

> So, you've been eating bread, pasta, and cooked vegetables longer than
> we've been alive.  So what?  How long have you been 100% raw-vegetarian?

> Concerning scientific references, read Chapter 23, "Nutrition Is No
> Science" and Chapter 35, "Cooked-Food Scientists Know Nothing" out of our
> book.

	uh, "23's my favorite number".  i don't know what else to say.  how
about: "how long has stephen, david, and r.c. eaten 100% raw-vegetarian?"

> Until next time -- have a rawesome day,

	do you have a copyright on that?  not that the little (c) symbol has
scared me away from commiting countless virtual crimes.
