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Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 3 Dec 1996 12:41:57 -0800
text/plain (32 lines)
>Hypocrites? Isn't that a little strong?  Didn't you just say earlier
>that we may be scavengers, not primary killers?  So how then is
>scavenging behavior hypocritical, if it's part of our true nature (and
>killing isn't)?

Excellent point!  But, even primary scavengers have to kill now and

>Besides, am I a hypocrite for living in a house, driving a car, or
>using a computer even though I don't know how to build one from
>scratch, or even know how they really work?

Probably, but as long as you are not idenftifying yourself to the rest
of the world as somebody who lives a very simple & gentle lifestyle and
not suggesting that others might follow your footsteps, I would not
worry about it. :-/ Instinctive eaters, on the other hand, claim that
killing & eating animals is a natural, instinctive behavior & suggest
that we would all be better off living by our instincts. If that is
true, one would expect them to partake in the catching, killing &
preparation of the animals at least now & then without the slightest
flinch or hesitation. I understand from Zephyr, who walks his talk on
this issue that this has not been a problem for him, but if instinctos
in general could not overcome their own conditioning about killing that
would cast doubt on the validity of their lifestyle & would IMO make
them hypocrites.

>Bob Avery

Best, Peter
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