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Robert W. Avery <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 03 Dec 1996 05:11:22 EST
text/plain (28 lines)
Peter says,
>practising celebracy to attain enlightenment which IMO is like drinking
>for sobriety or fucking for virginity. :-)

Huh?  Are you saying that sex = enlightenment?  I can see where celebacy
might come in handy as a way to eliminate distractions when on a
spiritual quest.

>Sports hunting and killing for the fun of it on the other hand I find
>to be sick expressions of a very perverted human culture

The sportsmen would beg to differ.  They say that their bullets are much
quicker and more merciful than watching the poor animals starve to death
from overpoulation.

>But I would tend to say that any spiritual path that makes a certain
>dietary direction a prerequisite for enlightenment to be false

Weren't you just arguing the flip side of this coin, that true
enlightenment requires meat-eating if meat-eating is required for optimum
health?  Make up your mind.

And lest you think I'm a totally hopeless Calvinist, "The Gift" really
cracked me up!

Bob Avery ([log in to unmask])