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Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 5 Dec 1996 21:21:27 -0800
text/plain (50 lines)
>Go get 'em NFL!
>Even though I don't like your confrontational style or contentless
>postings either, I love your enthusiam, and I've always been a sucker
>for underdogs fighting the Establishment, whether it be the veg-raw
>Establishment or any other kind.

Bob, please do not trivialize this whole issue. It is not a matter of
admiring enthusiasm but about priorities and where to draw the line.
Hard-core fractions of the Christian Right (no implied comparison to
NFL) are also underdogs fighting the Establishment, yet I doubt you are
a sucker for their enthusiasm.  As a moderator I care less about NFL,
but more about how their present behavior influences this list if left

>Thank you for telling me about part of your background.  (And I would
>have hated it if only one of you had signed the e-mail.  I hope in the
>future you won't each have to join vegraw individually and clutter up
>my Inbox with 3 identical postings per issue addressed just to satisfy
>some silly bureaucratic rule.)

Veg-raw has no silly bureaucratic rules, but well-considered guidelines
to help this list run as smoothly and with as little intervention as
possible.  There really is not any rule that says that only individuals
can subscribe to the list (though soon there will be :-)), and if there
was I would make an exception to it anyway if I deemed it necessary.
So, in order not to suspend them for a period I came up with the less
harsh solution to unsubscribe NFL and invite them to resubscribe as
individuals. The idea behind it is that a group identity always will
lend itself more to tough and confrontational behavior, while having to
account individually for ones opinions usually is a little more
humbling. The problem with NFL is that they have positioned themselves
so much in a corner that there is nothing but capitulation left for
them, and they are simply not mature enough to be able to admit such a
defeat. Instead, in order not to fall apart as they receive more & more
criticism the further in denial they have to be, which will fuel more
arrogance etc. What you have is the mechanism of a mini-cult which is
what I consider NFL to be, where each member to cover up for his own
individual insecurity is forced to act tougher and tougher to himself,
to the group and to the world.
It will probably not make any difference if they post individually, but
at least then they were given a fair chance. Besides, to be doing
without them completely would be no big loss to me - with their refusal
to post anything meaningful how could it be? I am more concerned with
loosing a lot of good people, who do not have the stomach to put up
with their continued antics.

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