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Meredith Westfall <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 22 Sep 1996 17:00:22 -0400 (EDT)
text/plain (57 lines)
Hi everyone,
Well, I took the risk and plopped $5 down for a sample copy of M2M.  As
previously mentioned by others, it gets a thumbs up in my book.
I am at the stage now where I need/want as much literature and supoort as
possible.  Here goes a request...please let me know if I'm out of line on
this one.  I received issue #26 and in it, many of the participants (this
is the most interactive (only?) I've see) refer to previous copies.
Although not required, each publication has a theme.

a.)  Would it be OK for Ward to list the previous 25 issues and what the
topic was.  I was going to e-amil him personally, but thought that others
might be interested as well.  If the topics sound inviting, I want to
order a few back copies.
b.)  Ward, would you be willing to do this...briefly list the topic in
each issue?
Please respond as to whether this would be OK or not.

If I were to open your fridge, what would I find in there?  Mine is
pretty empty!  Growing up, I never enjoyed cold fruits and veggies.  My
mother and I fought all the time about whether the apples should be left
out or put in that fridge drawer(there's a word for it, but I can't
remember what it is).  I would take a few apples out so they could get to
room temp. and my mother would put them back in the fridge.  I would take
them out and then I would be yelled at for my passive-aggressive
behavior.  Anyways, I still don't like cold food!  It seems that a fridge
is kind of a waste of energy.  Other than lettuce, I can't think of
anything that should be refrigerated.  Any opinions?  I also drink water
at room temperature.  When people ask if I want ice cubes and I say "no",
I get a really weird look
Since the beginning of the summer, I've lost a fair amount of weight
going from a size 14 to a size 8.  I credit it to eating more raw and
from exercising at a high intensity (heart bpm 150 for an hour).  The
strange thing is only a few people have said anything.  I don't expect
people to go on and on, but it makes me wonder if the weight loss is, in
fact, noticable.  I'm starting to think that this is one more area where
people are somewhat defensive.  Some people at school (grad school, ed.
major) will search me out during a class break (armed with pepsi and chips)
saying this snack was an abberation to their usual eating habits.  This
is a year after I made a deal with myself that I wouldn't talk to anyone
about my eating habits.  These same people will ask me about my
workouts....How long? How often?  What I do...blah, blah, blah.  I would
love to hear how others handle this or how they would handle it.  Any
insights as to why this happens?
So, to recap...
Would it be OK for Ward to list the themes of back issues of M2M?
Is a fridge really that useful?
Why do people get defensive and then pry when they don't really care?

That's about it for now.
Oh yeah, I ordered Instinctive Nutrition, so I'll be reading that in a
few weeks.  Thanks for keeping the list active...it helps me immensely.
