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Pat Stephens <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 13 Mar 1997 15:56:03 -0500 (EST)
text/plain (65 lines)
At 02:56 AM 3/13/97 +0100, you wrote:
Medline reports an increase in hip fracture etc in reduced BD of osteo, for
taller folk. I am 5' 9".

>(I remember mentioning to Melisa that
>>Ombodhi was 6'2"--I think I remember something like that--and she said,
>>"Really? Well, that changes my idea of him all around." Or: look at the
>>personal ads and see how many women list "tall" as a qualifier of what they
>>are looking for in a mate. Or: anthropologically-speaking, physical size is
>>(only) one factor in the ability to scare away a competitor, sexual or
>>otherwise, or even a _predator_...)

There were two---2---only with whom I could wear high heels in high school.
Sigh. But barefoot, I have to look up to Klyde!! mmmm.

Questions I still grope with: not just parasites in RAF, but toxic E. coli,
Sal. enteriditis sp, Staph,PCB's, etc. In seafood, Vibrio, Pseudomaonas,
heavy metals and hdrocarbons,PCB's, etc. In fresh water: Giardia, Coccidia,
no-point pollution products from industry and agriculture, PCBs, etc, and
imperfect sewage treatment from the source on downstream (for chemical
pollutans, virus' and coccidia). I remember Dad raving (he was a civil
engineer) about the huge dams the gov.t was building (TVA), even trying to
change the path of the Mississippi (a predictable failure, except for paying
a lot of people a lot of money) and how all this with artificial fertilizer
and pest and weed controls were eventually going to contaminate our ground
water, and that would be the beginning of the end.Now we have altered DNA
and narrow biodiversity.Whoop-de-do, as a friend exclaimed recently  (g)

Have you been reading about our ground water recently?

Anyway, it's hard for me to trust aging taste buds, eyes, and nose to warn
me off contaminated foods. I flat out don't believe Burger's tale of an
experiment on himself with an arm infection and milk, it smacks of insanity
to a microbiologist, I don't know if I could ever believe words vs seeing on
such a report.(Including his mycology experiment with poisoned mushrooms.
Aflotoxin, and others, takes a bit longer to harm, as do other fungus, and
are usually clearly visable to the eye and the nose.But---not always.)Then
there are virus-s...Legionaire's, ebola, and so on--cute little things, if
your instinct is, or is not, attuned. These new and predicted newly evolved
due to 'fouling our nest' cuties one would hope not to meet...even in the
literature, I feel the need to step into a decon shower!!

I don't think instincto will make serious inroads until the present wait and
see handholding stupidity in congress comes to a screeching halt and
seriously damaging fines are imposed on our polluters,--- and sanctions
imposed on the rest of the world. But  which comes first? The ground
swelling outrage of the people? The education of same from kindergarten
up---we can't really wait that long, I think--besides, the people's govt has
firm control of education, for use in their own benefit.And industrial
powers have firm control of gov't.

Dang, I'm in a great mood today, hmm? I'm going to send my copies of World Watch
so you can explore these concerns as well.

On such a cheerful note---well, let' see--

There was a young woman from Thrace
Who's corset got too tight to lace.
   Her mother said, "Nelly,
   There's more in your belly
Than ever came in through your face"!
