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"Steven M. Serisky" <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 29 Jan 1997 00:32:44 +0000
text/plain (45 lines)
Hello everyone :)

I've been a lurker on this list now for about a month now.

Here's a little introduction:  I am 33 yrs old.  I have been a
vegetarian for about 2 years and a vegan for about 8 months.
Recently I have been very interested in eating more raw foods.  I was
very influenced by Bodhi's post of Dr. Maulkmus's essay.  Thanks
Bodhi :) I also enjoy the posts by some of the  other people here as

This is what my diet has mainly been for the last 2 weeks:

breakfast:  a tablespoon (or more) of Green Magma or Kyo-Green
(barley powder) then in mid morning  I "snack" on a grapefruit and
sometimes a banana also.

lunch:  Green Magma then a  big bowl of assorted organic vegetables
(no dressing)

afternoon snack:  fruit, raisins or mixed nuts and raisins.

dinner:  after the Green magma, I might have a hummus filled pita with bean
sprouts or some cereal with soy beverage or something else.

I also drink freshly made vegetable juice.

I seem to be doing good eating like this except that I have lost 6
pounds....I do not really think that I need to lose weight as I am
now 137 lbs and am 5'8" tall.  When I was eating a lot of pasta, rice
other cooked food etc, I had been staying pretty steady at 143 lbs.  I'm
worried about losing more weight so I am going to eat more nuts and maybe
snack more.

If anyone has any suggestions I'll be happy to listen ..... [although
I'm a health food vegan (as opposed to ethical) I'm not into RAF]  Incidentally,
 I had thought that this was a veggie raw food list when I first joined
(Veg-raw).  At first I did not know what RAF meant!  After some very
intense confusion....I eventually figured it out...

Steve - new raw food eater (vegan)

P.S. I am seriously thinking about trying a juice fast.