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Sol Lederman <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 29 Jan 1997 09:05:34 -0800 (PST)
text/plain (37 lines)

I dug around on the Web. Here's a good "What is the Zone" in a nutshell
description. Check out http://ZoneHome.com/whyzone.htm for more information.

Coming from a diet of eating high carb, high sugar, the Zone was a good step
for me. RAF Zone sounds like an interesting experiment.


>    * Eat sufficient protein for your body's needs, no more, no less.
>      Exactly how much is determined by your lean body mass and your
>      activity level.
>    * At every meal eat protein and carbohydrates in the ratio of 3
>      parts protein to 4 parts carbohydrate.
>    * At the same time, eat sufficient fat to control the rate of
>      digestion of the meal and to control your hunger. Typically, this
>      will be about 30% of the calories in the meal.
>    * As much as possible, eat protein with low levels of saturated fat
>      such as fish, chicken, turkey, extra-lean cuts of beef or ham,
>      tofu, egg whites, and low-fat dairy products.
>    * As much as possible, eat carbohydrates with a low glycemic index.
>      The list is quite long and includes most fruits and vegetables
>      but excludes pasta, bread, potatoes, and starchy vegetables.
>    * As much as possible, eat monounsaturated fats in preference to
>      saturated fats. Good fat sources are avocados, olives, macadamia
>      nuts, and peanut butter.
>    * No food is ever completely banned, but some must be eaten in
>      moderation. The better your choices, the better your performance.
>    * Drink at least 8 glasses of water or sugar-free decaffeinated
>      beverage each day.
>    * Never go more than 5 hours without eating a Zone-favorable meal
>      or snack. Eat within one hour of waking and have a Zone-favorable
>      snack before a workout and before bedtime.