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Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 26 Jan 1997 19:09:35 -0800
text/plain (39 lines)
I received this first message from the Natural Hygiene and Raw Food
Forum, the new moderated mailing list that is forming:

To: "The Natural Hygiene And RAW FOOD FORUM" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 01:32:19 +0000

We currently have 78 patient list members. Quite a sizeable amount
considering the field of interest.
I have been considering carefully what the nature of the list should
be over the past couple of months, and I want to focus more on
Sheltons idea of orthobionomics. Therefore the list will be called
the Bionomic Nutrition Forum or BNF, which is easier to say and more
to the point. The problem with the Natural Hygiene focus is that (and
I am in the middle of orthobionomics at the mo') it is dated in these
texts and the seed/nut emphasis is not supportable according to my
research. The web page has had a face lift to reflect the change.
I am about to publish a new and powerful web page on Protein,
Bionomic Nutrition, that will demonstrate once and for all the
wholesome nature of fruits and also descredit the conventional
nutritional views on protein quality and so forth USING THE LATEST
SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH! The list shall launch in parallel with the
release of the article, and prior to that I shall post a sort of
agenda detailing the list mission in more detail. Until then, please
hang on folks! I am in the middle of this research at the moment, it
is quite heavy (biochemistry) and sifting through various scientific
and weaker scientific texts.

kind regards,

The Bionomic Nutrition FORUM
-all mail to <[log in to unmask]>
-list info <http://www.nildram.co.uk/veganmc/forum.htm>

Best, Peter
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