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David Noel <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 24 Jan 1997 19:52:27 -0600
text/plain (61 lines)
At 09:01 PM 1/23/97 -0500, Pat wrote:

>Peanuts are subject to a fungus which produces aflotoxin, which is under the
>control of the USDA--this is why, here in Georgia (the peanut capitol of the
>US) those who know of such things and are in control excercise their great
>wisdom and install automatic systems to sprinkle malation twice daily on
>warehouse stored peanuts. I read this in the Atl. Journal and Constitution
>some time ago, and do hope the practice has been discontinued.It's hard to
>discover some facts in this world.

***Pat, thanks a lot for the info. This list is incredible for the intelligent
informed people on it.

>I understand that the roaches play a form of football in this artificial
>"rain", quite resistant and impervious to this cancerous moisture.
>Personally, I go for processed ORGANIC p. butter, rather than risk my system
>furthur. As a child, teen, and young mother, in Arkansas, those who know of
>such things and were in control (this was, er, some time ago) sent airplane
>crop dusters over the town , levees , and rice fields to spray with
>malathion for mosquito control and one supposes other vital needs. Pulaski
>county has the highest rate of colon cancer in the US, I'm told. My mother
>and father died of it just a few years ago.

***It's amazing, what we used to do to ourselves. Of course, I am sure there
are many other things that we are doing now that will become evident over time.
I am very sorry to hear about your parents.

>Think, just think of the many cultures on this world and their weird diets,
>upon which they have survived. I once spoke to a Czech. gal who was appalled
>that we ate "mountain oysters" here---while she related that the delicacy of
>the rabbit was the eyes. I found that rather repulsive, don't you?

***Sounds pretty gross to me, but I bet Kirt might like them :)

>Prudence Pays Pretty Profits for Perspicacious People who Pamper their
>Paunches with Purple Plums and Pawpaws

OK, I had to look Perspicacious up at the Webster Interface:

per.spi.ca.cious \.p*r-sp*-'ka--sh*s\ aj [L perspicac-, perspicax, fr.
perspicere] : of acute mental
vision or discernment : KEEN - per.spi.ca.cious.ly av.  Shrewd.

This is what they had for PawPaws

Webster Definition for "PAPAW"

pa.paw \p*-'po.\ \'pa:p-(.)o., 'po.p-\ n [prob. modif. of Sp papaya] 1:
PAPAYA 2: a No.
American tree (Asimina triloba) of the custard-apple family with purple
flowers and a yellow edible fruit; also : its fruit

I am always having to look things up. Guess I should not have dropped out after
kindergarten. Its nice to have the WWW as a dictionary.


David Noel