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Robert W. Avery <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 10 Jan 1997 02:42:32 EST
text/plain (24 lines)

You'll find that we all have our own favorite ways of banishing the
cooked food cravings.  Some succeed, some fail, some find a middle road
of 10-20% cooked, the rest raw.  I favor the cold turkey (er, cold
cucumber) approach, which might require a lot of discipline for 4-6
months; then it gets a lot easier.  It's easier still if you could start
out by fasting for a week or two, which will clear a lot of sludge out of
your system and greatly reduce future cravings.  I've been nearly 100%
raw (99+%) for 4 years now; and it's been so long I've practically
forgotten what cooked foods taste like.  I have no desire to eat them,
and my body is very grateful that i no longer poison it on a daily basis.
 But the first 5 months were torture.  So all I can say is, go at it and
hang in there.  Mark off 6 months on the calendar and pledge to be all
raw until then.  Eat only organically grown produce, and as little food
as you can.

P.S.  Your animal farm is quite a managerie.  Beware: There are certain
folks on this list, known as Instinctos, that you shouldn't let near your
pets.  They're salivating right now.

Bob Avery ([log in to unmask])