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Sat, 26 Oct 1996 10:18:15 -0700
Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
>PS. What's with "raw" pistachios?

Means I doubt that they are truely unheated--they are "too easy" to eat.

> - Fuyu persimmons are in my opinion way superior to hayichas,
> which I suspect are more hybridized and less original. Their extreme
>sugar content is dangerously high for people sensitive to sugars.

My understanding is that the fuyus were bred (at the expense of sweetness)
for non-astringency (ie got rid of the tannin) from the original astringent
persimmon stocks. Who knows.

In response to your earlier comments on more original fruits. Durian is
supposed to be one of the oldest (read first) fruits evolved. However, the
durians available in Bangkok are _very_ different (bred) from the wilder
varieties available in the south (incl southern Thailand, Malaysia,
Sumatra-esp, and Indonesia in general). My vote for most original fruit is
coconut. And, as you say, berries, which are lacking in the tropics. Hmmm...

>>Let's get real: Whales and dolphins are now showing up with tumors,
>>and they are eating more native than any human (including the "purest"

>Only since we started polluting the oceans.

I understand this, of course. The point being the biosphere is polluted, we
are part of the bioshere etc. and the perfect diet is not perfect assurance
against disease. Even if humans are very "evolved for detox" relative to
sea mammals this is a consideration.

>>I wonder sometimes what circles I'm running around in instead of
>>living life.

>Do not worry about running in circles as long as you are following your

Passion/fanaticism -- a fine crooked line, eh?

I will be digging out our blood work from our boxes which have finally
arrived and will post soon, so blast away all, if you care to...

Tis time to plant that winter garden, but what will it be, since veggies
are lame? Perhaps a juice garden of carrots, beets, spinach, parsley and
lettuces. Ideas anyone?
