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Print Reply
Wed, 16 Oct 1996 02:11:50 EDT
Robert W. Avery <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
>Wow, I'm impressed. How can you stand dental drilling without novacaine?
>What dentist will even try that?

I think it's the raw food diet that enables greater pain tolerance.  I
like drilling best without painkillers now because (a) those painkillers
are just more toxins that my body doesn't need, and (b) when it's over,
it's over --- no more numb swollen mouth that can last for hours later.
As for who will do it, I think all dentists will do it if you ask.

I used to have a mouthful of toxic "silver" amalgams (which are really
50% mercury, 37.5% silver, and the rest other metals).  I had all 18 of
them plus a crown replaced with less toxic restoration materials at the
University of Michigan Dental School gradually over a period of about 6
months.  Except for the first filling, I did it all with no anaesthetics.
 During the first drilling, I had the experience that has happened to
other raw fooders.  The carbocaine wore off in mid-drilling.  (The raw
bod expels toxins faster.)  When the dentist saw me flinch, I was offered
a booster shot, but I decided to tough it out.  After surviving that one,
I just decided to refuse the shots for all the subsequent ones, including
the crown.  (The crown was really rough, but I now think that I could
undergo an extraction without painkillers --- but I hope I never have to
prove this.)

>Why do you think your eyesight is getting worse? As far as I know he
>doesn't do any eye excercises that I know of. But he is a photographer
>and there is a lot of eye excersize there. He doesn't work with a
computer at all. He reads very little too. He also leads a very low stress
>simple life syle in a warm climate.

I'm at the age where most people get presbyopia --- a blurring of letters
at close range.  I'm doing without bifocals or reading glasses at
present, but I have to hold the book or newspaper farther away now.
Hopefully I will find the time to take a long (3-4 weeks) fast sometime
in the next 6 months, and hopefully it will help this condition.