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Wed, 11 Sep 1996 01:30:25 -0400 (EDT)
Meredith Westfall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
It's me again,
I still have a lot of energy.  Had a long run today, and then went to the
supermarket for vegetables.  As I walked down the aisles, I was amazed at
all of the condiments available to make food taste like something other
tha  wht the food is supposed to taste like.  Dips for apples, salad
dressings, mustrad, BBQ sauce, mayonnaise, real sugar, fake sugar, stuff
for pancakes, dips for chips, etc. etc.  It seems to me that the
condiments outweigh the food in a typical supermarket.

I've gotten a lot of mileage out of America's bad eating habits.  I tutor
a lot of japanese students learning ESL.  I brought one student to the
local pharmacy and showed him all of the stuff like antacid, laxatives.
He started laughing because of the selection.  It took up a whole aisle.
I also have students (these are all adults)  quietly look at what others
put in their shopping carts.  The conversations are great because the
younger generation are picking up western habits (McDonald's, eating
while walking, snacking between meals, etc.)

Back to condiments and other new observations on the route to raw...I don't
use them very much.  The taste of various
foods is coming even more alive.  Celery is So full of flavor, I was
never aware of that before.
After my run, I craved spinach.  I just had to have it, nothing else
would have worked.  Usually, I just crave vegetables.  My love for
carrots is waning..that's strange because I have loved them for a long
time.  It might be the sweetness of them, I don't know.

The coffee is still happening, but on a less regular basis.  Plain old
water does the trick for me the whole day after that cup!
Question...what are the opinions of people here on the various water
options.  Distilled?  Spring?  Filtered (with Brita or something like that)

I had sparkling lime poland springs yesterday (after a long absence) and
found that it had a funky flavor.  I used to love that stuff.Has anyone else
had taste changes?
Good night.