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Wed, 9 Jul 1997 10:05:34 -0700
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At 05:32 PM 6/24/97 -0700, Ellie wrote:
>I'm seeking advice, particularly from Instinctos, but welcome it from
>others too.

Frederick: What supplements do you take?

First, I'll give you eight reasons why I take supplements:

1. Many foods I eat are grown in denatured soil,
somewhat bereft of nutrients.  Important trace
minerals are deficient in certain areas my foods
come from.

2. Many foods I eat, including organic, are harvested,
stored, and transported in ways that cause a loss of

3. I believe that there are certain nutrients --
particularly, vitamins C and E -- that I can't get
enough of by eating the natural foods that contain

4. I believe there are certain substances -- e.g.,
hydergene (see Pearson & Shaw's 'Life Extension') --
that don't occur in nature, that tend to improve
both the quality and length of my life.

5. I believe that certain supplements reduce the
risk of certain diseases for me, plus tend to
increase both the quality and length of my life.

6. I believe that certain supplements improve
the functioning of my brain, i.e., they make
me a better thinker, including improving my
emotional balance and maturity.

7. It seems that by "nature" the human body is
programmed to age and die.  In its youth the body
manufactures a number of substances vital to its
vitality.  As the body gets older in years, the
production of some of these substances is reduced,
or stoppped altogether.  This phenomenon is an aspect
of the "natural" aging process and its acceleration.
By "artificially" ingesting these substances, the
aging process can be stopped and even reversed in some
respects.  See Jean Carper's book 'Stop Aging Now!
The Ultimate Plan for Staying Young & Reversing the
Aging Process' and 'Grow Young with HGH' by Dr. Ronald
Klatz with Carol Kahn.

8. Several nutrients are more easily assimilated by
the body from artificial chemical supplements than
from food -- see Jean Carper's 'Stop Aging Now!'

Currently, I take the following supplements:

Endura-Max from Health Technologies Network (HTN)
        - improves energy, muscles, stamina
Beta Carotene from Nature's Way (NW)
        - antioxidant
Folic Acid from NW
        - improves fat metabolism & DNA/RNA synthesis,
        - reduces homocysteine level in blood
Vitamin B3 from NW
        - growth hormone releaser, improves HDL/LDL
Vitamin B6 from NW
        - reduces homocysteine level in blood
Vitamin B12 from NW
        - improves brain function,      reduces homocysteine
          level in blood
Vitamin C from NW
        - antioxidant, improves white blood cells,
          increases HDL production
Vitamin E from NW
        - antioxidant, protection against fats & cholesterol
Phytogreen from Nutrition For Life (NFL)
        - "antioxidant superfood concentrate"
Endocryn DHEA from LifePlus (LP)
        - improves vitality, etc.
Omega 3/50 from HTN
        - fish oils for improving heart
Assimilator from HTN
        - mainly enzymes to improve digestion & blood quality
CoQ10 from NFL
        - antioxidant, slows aging, good for heart
Food For Thought from LP
        - improves brain function
OPC Oxi-Genic from HTN
        - antioxidant vitamins & minerals
Chitosan from NutriCology
        - fat blocker; improves HDL/LDL ratio; antacid
Melatonin from HTN
        - improves sleep; extends life
Alka-Mine from HTN
        - coral calcium that improves quality of water.

Some of these supplements have additional benefits
beyond those mentioned.  I started taking some of them
very recently, so the benefits are not yet evident.

(I haven't added up the total cost -- it's probably
about $400 per month!)

I'm afraid this doesn't tell you very much.  If you
consider taking supplements you should probably do
some studying first.  You could start with Jean
Carper's 'Stop Aging Now! The Ultimate Plan for
Staying Young & Reversing the Aging Process' and
Pearson & Shaw's 'Life Extension: a Practical
Scientific Approach.'  You should probably also
check out literature from various suppliers, as
well as consult a physician familiar with life-
extension supplements. The Life-Extension Foundation
in Florida publishes a directory of such physicians.

I've just discovered the book 'Grow Young with HGH'
by Dr. Ronald Klatz with Carol Kahn.  It's probably
the most powerful "youthing" book in my library.

Anecdotal Comparison
I have a friend who is also a raw-food eater.  He's
27-years old -- half my age.  He's built like an
olympic athlete: broad chest, flat stomach; works
out 4-5 times a week in the gym.  Doesn't take

I have a flat chest and a typical "middle-age" paunch.
(If I could switch my belly and chest and double the
size of my arms and legs, I would look like Superman!)

My friend and I used to race each other up and down
Camelback mountain in Phoenix once a week.  Often I
won, both up and down.  My best time up is 24 mins
35 secs; his, about 27 mins.

(Most "regulars" are very pleased when they go up Camelback
in 30 mins.  The top "ironman" tri-athletes could probably
go up Camelback in around 20 mins.)

I've been eating raw food much longer than my friend has,
so that could account for some of the difference.  I have
no idea to what extent the supplements account for the

I believe that partially as a result of supplements
my heart is stronger, I have more energy and stamina,
my digestion is better, my blood quality is greatly
improved, in some respects my body is physiologically
10 years younger than it was 11 years ago, my risk of
getting "degenerative" diseases is considerably smaller,
my immune system is greatly strengthened, etc.  I expect
to live longer as a result of supplements and to enjoy
a higher quality of life.

I also believe that supplements play a major role
in my improved mental and emotional functioning.

Now, I'm not suggesting that anyone else take supplements.
I believe that individual bodies and metabolisms vary
greatly; individuals need to do their own studying and
experimentation and decide for themselves what is best
for them.

The following is part of a message I posted to the
[log in to unmask] list:

At 01:57 PM 6/18/97 -0700, Daniel Greene wrote:

>>[Frederick Mann:]
>>Speaking for myself, for me to surrender to "nature"
>>would be a death sentence.  It might take another 50
>>years -- maybe a few decades longer -- but if I were
>>to stick to "nature" I would surely die.

>Excuse my incredulity, but what on *Earth* are you saying here? That Nature
>kills? Gee, I thought it was the separation from Nature that killed people.
>Are you saying that if you were to stop taking supplements, "it might take
>another 50 years -- maybe a few decades longer -- " for you to die? How
>long do you think you have in this body? And you say if you were to "stick
>to 'nature' [you] would surely die"? What is the alternative? Eternal

Yes.  Death is unaccaptable to me.

Best wishes,


PS. People are individual, unique, and different
-- so are their bodies and metabolisms -- and so
is their knowledge.  There's no need for people
to agree about certain things.
End Quote

Anyone interested in "nature as a killer" may want to
read the book 'The Lucifer Principle' by Howard Bloom.

Of course, supplements aren't sufficient to overcome
death.  Further technology to stop and reverse aging
needs to be developed.  Such technology is discussed
in the book 'Reversing Human Aging' by Michael Fossel,
Ph.D., M.D.  He claims that medical technology is on
the verge of being able to double or triple the human
lifespan and to provide the means to rejuvenate the
bodies of centenarians to the point that they are like
those of 20-year-olds!

Frederick Mann