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Print Reply
Thu, 30 Jan 1997 00:36:50 GMT
Alan Milnes <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
>	sol,
>		as far as i know, you gotta buy the berries and grow your
>own.  buy hey, you'll save money and perk up your living area with fresh
>growing grass!  beautiful green in the morning, plus oxygen!  if anyone
>knows a source for other grasses, post away!  (and i don't mean dennis
>peron's cultivators club).  ;-)

I've been trying wheat and ryegrass in trays in my greenhouse.  They
grow really fast, take little effort and hey, they are totally free of
the green and whiteflies in there that are chewing up all my organic
lettuce plants!

I got to wondering though: If barley/wheat/rye grasses make a good
juice then how about using regular field grasses - the leafy ones like
Italian Ryegrass rather than lawn fescues - cos there are literally
hundreds of acres around here going for free!

|                  Alan Milnes                   |
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