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Wed, 08 Jan 1997 18:13:43 EST
Robert W. Avery <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (73 lines)

>>From:	Robert W. Avery <[log in to unmask]> [OR THE GHOST THEREOF]


>I think it should be spelled: Kaya Kulpa, but what these aruveydic
>techniques entail are fasting/starvation diets & apparently herbal
>medicines to rejuventate the body.  The long extract from Cousens in
>the past few days touched a little on some practioners of this, I
>have previously posted a thing on "growing a new body" & I'm in the
>middle of educating myself on this topic, after which I may post
>something.  On the allied subject of overfasting, is there anybody
>on this list with experience with this?  Bob, when you get down to
>80 lbs. are you ending your fasts when hunger returns, does hunger
>never return, or has it returned at a much higher weight?

So far as I know, I have never gone below 88 lbs, but my next 2-3 week
fast, whenever it comes off, may be a doozy.  Last year I was about 105
at the start, and today after pooping I'm at 96.  Who knows where I'll be
when the fast starts this time?  I only have one experience with true
hunger, which "returned" (made its first and only appearance) shortly
after breaking a 5.5-day fast a couple years ago (told in the M2M).

Yesterday I was a good CR boy (but not a good hygienist --- got only 3.5
hrs sleep both Sun [working on the M2M [preparations] and Monday [putting
the "Bob is dead" story to rest], last night got about 6.5-7 though).  I
ate only one meal. about 2pm, and had 3 little organic apples (9 oz), 2
org medjool dates, 3/4 oz bee pollen, 1 tiny org beet (1.25 oz), and 2 oz
org almonds (soaked overnight of course).  If you figure this out, you'll
probably find that it is a high protein diet (by % of calories consumed).
 Higher protein I've found helps this body at this stage of its evolution
to feel satisfied (less false hunger pangs) than a low-protein one.  The
raisin-nut diet of the yogis also sounds high protein (by %, not absolute
amount, of calories), so it looks like I'm in good company.

Yesterday evening I probably would have eaten again had I remained at
home, but I went off to my dance class where the few twinges of  "hunger"
I had dissipated.  I was rewarded this AM with good biomarkers: T=95.2,
P=47, BP=98/54.  (But of course not every day is this good.)

>Not really, what I am trying to do is unbalance it away from
>uncontrolled oxidation, & ingest a wide array of antioxidants to
>accomplish this.

I think your body may have a better idea about what it needs than you do.
 I'm afraid to use my hubris to that extent.

>>digestive enzymes
>Have these ever been shown to extend lifespan in rodents?

I don't know and I don't care.  Read Dr. Howell's book.

>If you recall the post I did on the technique of growing a new body,
>the yogis into life extension developed the ability to subsist on
>only a handful of raisins & I believe 6 walnuts per day.  It is not
>clear how long they remained on this diet, but it was apparently for
>months.  In Kuya Kulpa a daily glass of raw cow's milk is apparently
>the diet used for months (I'm researching this now).

I'm not likely to, but if I were to try this, I'd substitute raw goat's
milk (I found a farmer in MI who will sell it).  Is nothing sacred?

Oh, by the way, I drank a pint of water yesterday, which may have
contributed to the good numbers.  How much water do these yogis drink
when they're building a new body?

Excellent post to Doug Skrecky.  Given his Establishment mindset. I had
despaired of even trying to set him straight.

Bob Avery ([log in to unmask])