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ombodhi thoren st john <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 10 Dec 1996 22:44:52 -0800
text/plain (88 lines)
		i have egg on my face!  literally.  let me tell you...

	this morning i laid on my back with my mouth open.  as a friend
opened a raw, organic, infertile, free-range egg into my mouth, a bit of
the eggwhite dribbled across my chin and sparse beard.  i smeared the
clear fluid up my cheeks and across my forehead while holding the
majority of the chicken menstruation in my mouth.  yes, my pulse beat
fast!  i thought of how i hadn't eaten an egg since sophomore year of
high school, and now i find myself a university ovo-sopbomore.

	the white tasted mildly pleasant, so i took a number of deep
breaths, closed my eyes, and swallowed!  slip sliding down my throat and
into that empty stomach.  another swallow.  with the yolk still intact, i
probe it with curious tongue-tip.  nothing like those rubbery things i
used to eat with toast and catsup/ketchup.  scrambled rubber.  the yolk
breaks and i swish the saliva.  more tasting, and then with the last bob
of my adam's apple i send it on a water-slide ride through my alimentary

	"wow, that tasted really good"

the only stomach strangeness manifested simultaneously with the
worst "tantrum" thrown by the resident 2-year old.  when the tyke
mellowed, so did my insides.  i had a couple of avocado's a few hours
later, not from True Hunger, but from True Mold.  true mold, what?  well,
i picked hundreds of avocado's around thanksgiving (along with hundreds
of hachiya persimmons!) and those that got damaged in handling somewhere
along the way had started growing green-gray hairs.  cutting off the
offending areas, i ate what i could of my deteriorating 'cado stash.
wrap it in nori with some greens & edible flowers!  yum!  i have a full
grocery bag of avo's in the fridge, and a similar amount just outside my
door, atop a skateboard.  with all the cr-chat, i'd like to spread the
green gold out as long as possible.  too much food weighs me down.  but
rotting avocado's?  what would you do, just watch?

	12/12/96 and bodhi feels good about eating his second egg from
the healthy, well-raised chickens (whom i had a chance to meet and spend
time with.  i don't know which of those four funny fowl nourished me with
their daily gift, yet i feel a connection to them all.  looking in their
eyes, stroking their feathers, watching the clouds roll by, all helped
prepare me.  i could have had some fresh egg on monday, still warm from
the chicken butt, but i passed.  i didn't eat any of the light brown
shell, crunching it into compost instead.  anyone ever eaten the shell
(bottled supplements aside)?

	i also had a very powerful experience about 23 hours ago, when i
suckled from the breast of a high raw mom (90%+).  what sweet human milk!
 i hadn't done that for about 18 years, which may explain why i couldn't
fall asleep.  with high-energy human milk in my veins, i didn't get a
single one of my forty winks.  i've navigated the day with joy & ease,
not without a little support from super blue green algae.  could i get
b12 overdose?

	this morning i laid in bed and read old m2m's while the wind blew
rain fast & furious outside (don weaver's ice age on its way?).  my love
for the nh m2m grows with every issue i read.  my great thanks to ward
for seeding the publication and helping it grow to its current height in
only four years.   congratulations on finding such a worthy successor, as
i have no doubt bob has plenty more "bananas-on-the-brain" to share with
us all.  as i did not meet the deadline for ward's final m2m, i'll
cheerfully unleash myself upon the many2many with mr. avery's debut.

	i arrived home to find 4 surprises.  (1) damp carpet from mild
flooding (owner says heavy rain "just does that") (2) m2m #24 sent by
sandy to complete my collection (thanks sandy!!) (3) cassia, and, of
course, (4) kirt's hilarious dream post.  ward summed up my feelings
pretty accurately with his response.  kirt scores again!  i'll let y'all
know how my first cassia trip treats me.  i've got one "pod" wrapped in a
moist towel right now, ready for my exploration tomorrow morning.

	okay, okay, so i don't set up the best controlled experiments!
suckling milk, staying up all night, raw egg, and now cassia!  change
many factors all at once and guess at what the result means?  i *do* feel
quite vital for missing sleep, but some would no doubt see this coming
from the stimulants in sbga or eggs or both.  mmm, that second egg tasted
so good, especially the yolk.  i heard that if the cat gets too many eggs
in a short period of time, the cat will eat only the yolk and leave the
white.  i don't worry about biotin absorption problems from the white,
just as i don't worry about mineral absorption problems from unhulled
sesame seeds (oxalic acid?).  yes, i've still got egg on my face.
							i like it...
