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Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 18 Sep 1996 00:27:38 -0700
text/plain (105 lines)
>Submitted to veg-raw by: Meredith Westfall <[log in to unmask]>
>Hello all,
>I have a simple request.  First, I'll admit my ignorance in thant I don't
>really understand what instincto is.

Instincto: root word: stink: this is what you do in the early days as you detox.

Seriously, there should probably be a FAQ on this no? JR's Web page
(http://speed.nimh.nih.gov/rawtimes.html) has a translation of Guy-Claude's
book/dialogue being translated to html.

There are other books I'll try to post soon.

In a nutshell: Instincto is a 100% raw diet where a person eats one food at
a time, choosing the particular food to eat from as large a variety as
possible, eating it until they "don't want it anymore" which is called a
taste-change or stop. The stop might be a bland, burning, or otherwise
unpleasant taste or texture. Or it might be a sense of repletion. Or
anything (except thinking with guilt, "I've eaten too much ----"). Raw
foods have a more definite change than denatured foods for most people. In
any case, one follows their pleasure eating foods in sequence (no mixing).
The idea is that human instinct can guide us as to what and how much to
eat. Accordingly, whatever tastes best is what the body needs the most. Any
raw food (except milk and sprouted wheat) can be eaten this way and health
improvements are somewhat more dramatic than with fasting alone. BTW, if
nothing is attractive you shouldn't eat--an instinctive fast.

The inclusion of animal foods is perhaps the most controversial aspect to
NHers, but every sentence above can be argued against with reasonable
arguments. (Peter will help us out on that account! :))

The taste change response was "discovered" by Guy-Claude Burger, a
French/Swiss guy who has a chateau outside of Paris for "instincto-therapy"
--trying to recover from visible pathology by eating raw foods according to
sensory pleasure.Various systems of eating have evolved trying to take
advantage of this instinctive capability. He offers the standard "I was
cured of an incurable disease story" (and a trip there for three weeks sure
beats a 21-day fast IMHO.)

There are folks, myself included, who more or less see instincto as the
"new, improved, nutrition part" of Natural Hygiene, who see it as the
natural extension of NH. The vast majority of NH is suffering from a closed
mind regarding instincto IMHO. Thankfully there are people like Ward and
Peter who, though they havent experimented for themselves (I don't think!)
for a time no-bars-held instincto, at least are not on about the
meat/seafood sin, nutitionally--though they have interesting arguments
against every other bit of it!

In general, instinctos easily overeat fruit at the "expense" of veggies,
have a hard time finding instincto-quality meats and seafoods, and have a
blast exploring the taste changes of the foods they can obtain.

If any of that sounds like your particular Mecca, you might read up on the
subject in English, or better yet French. Currently available in English

"Instinctive Nutrition" by Severen Schaeffer (dead from a heart attack, was
not instincto except for _perhaps_ a time while researching the book) 1987
Celetial Arts. Any bookstore should be able to order it for you.

"Instinctive Eating: The Lost Knowledge of Optimum Nutrition" by Zephyr
(Pan Piper Press) Write Pangea, R.R. 2 Box 3958, Pahoa, Hawaii, 96778 U.S.A
or call 808-965-9371. Ithink they want $20 or $25 postpaid in the USA, but
call and ask.

"Maximize Immunity" by Bruno Cromby (Marcus Books, PO Box 327, Queensville,
Ontario, CANADA LOG 1RO   905-478-2201 they fax you their catalog and then
you send your check, and then you wait (like I have......)

To grossly overgeneralise: Severen's book is from a careful
not-much-baggage, unemotional perspective; Zephyr's book is very first
person, high energy/emotion instinctive _life_, perspective, and almost
shocking at times, challenging; and Bruno's book is (reportedly) more
scientific/scholarly (Peter? You've read it, no?)

There's another book out of Austrailia but I don't have the info nearby.

>And for a bizarre question.  I apologize in advance to anyone who is offended
>by what I'm going to write.  I'm curious to know if there is a connection
>between an almost raw diet and a very minimal use of toilet paper.  I
>doubt that this is grounded in theory, so a simple "yes" or "no" based on
>anecdotal experiences will suffice.  This is what I've been noticing.  Is
>there a connection or is it coincidence?

My god children don't use any toilet paper, but they're not raw, so...:)

The idea is that in "perfect health" you'd never have to wipe, that stools
are perfectly formed a plop out in self-contained packages. My "perfect
stools" come and go, coming when I eat lightly, going when I don't.

Instinctos claim (that insideous instincto _lore_) that they should be more
or less odorless if in perfect health. My experience is that animal foods
lead to "not odorless" (but not horrifying either :)) stools, but on fruits
and veggies there isn't much odor at all.

All this (except my experience, of course :)) is questionable, but you
should be quite proud of your nice poops; they are a good sign from the raw
food gods that you are eating well!

Keep posting!!
