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Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 17 Sep 1996 23:10:53 -0700
text/plain (108 lines)
>>Pages 19 & 20, Pottinger's Cats (1983, Pottinger-Price Foundation). It
>>isn't a very "satisfying" summary, only discussing in general the
>>experiments and results.

>What about the guinea pigs?

I screwed up, sorry. It is pages 21 - 26 which refer briefly to cats left
to foraging whose dentation changes but doesn't perfect. Pages 19 and 20
are as follows and certainly sound good, not dispairing:

"In this experiment, a group of guinea pigs is initially fed a diet of
rolled and cracked grain with supplements of cod liver oil and field-dried
alfalfa.  Shortly, they showed loss of hair, paralysis and high litter
mortality.  Diarrhea, pneumonia and other deficiency symptoms increased.
When fresh cut green feed (grass cut after sundown, sacked and delivered
before sunrise) is introduced to their diet, the guinea pigs show
remarkable improvement.  Infant mortality decreases and the animals become
huskier.  No new cases of paralysis develop and alopecia lessens, though it
does not disappear entirely.  A few guinea pigs with severe diarrhea and
loss of hair are allowed to run free outside the pens to feed on growing
grass and weeds.  In less than 30 days, these foraging animals show even
greater improvement than those receiving cut greens inside of the pens.
Their diarrhea stops, their hair returns with a soft, shiny, velvety
texture; they heal and become well.  When placed back inside the pens, they
show no further signs of gastrointestinal upset or other ailments.

"Looking for an explanation of this more dramatic improvement in the guinea
pigs feeding on the fresh growing grasses and weeds, we noticed that when
we put our arms inside the sacks of cut grass, the temperature inside was
warmer than the temperature outside.  It proved to range about 5 degrees to
30 degrees warmer.  This suggests that the sacked, cut grass becomes
semi-cooked by the time it reaches the guinea pigs, and that important
thermolabile substances are at least partly destroyed." [Pottenger's Cats,

>Common Kirt. You have my outmost repect. Have you been eating too many
>mixed salads again? :)

Salads, not too much, but it's cherry tomato season in my backyard and I'm
turning into a salty dog, even more than I remember with shellfish fests...

As to my testiness. I guess it comes down to my perception of your
perseveration on the cult aspect of these fringe diets. Its part of the
territory. Question Authority, then Question Yourself, and compare notes at
the pearly gates, you know?

>I'd love to see this blood work. I am mostly interested in blood lipids
>& amino acid profiles. Have you kept any of the records from before you
>went instincto?

No records to keep from before. I don't think the one's I have from
"during" would be specific enough for you. Surely no amino acids stuff and
I don't think there was much more than cholesteral level and maybe trigs on
one; I can't remember. The schools were only interested in AIDS anyway. Our
stuff is going thru customs in San Fran about now so I won't be able to
check for a while. But I tell you what: I'll send you some of my blood and
you can do whatever you want with it. I, of course, suggest you drink it
straight away! :)

>You must be kidding! It has only begun, if not here then in NH M2M.

Whatever. I can't keep spending such an huge amount of time with these
posts, esp when its so repetative (I'm to blame too!). I hear you about the
cult stuff, but what else can I say? I'm burning out on it (posting) I

>>but exploring these issues here on veg-raw has been interesting.
>And would be even more interesting to explore further.

What's left, Peter? Every criticism you have with instincto is fair. I have
some you've not touched on (yet?), but I gotta leave something for M2M, no?

I guess in a way I'm trying to get this stuff (instincto lore) out of my
system and get on with my raw life with the emphasis on life. Perhaps
posting so extensively here, as well as finishing up the manuscript (which
compete for time!), are my methods of "detox". I do think it's important
stuff that deserves a fair presentation, but I feel like I'm just about
finished doing my bit for future historians, and there's no reason it
shouldn't be a bestseller. ;)

BTW, I talked to the Nature's First Law fellas at a "granola" fair near
here. They were funner in person than in their book. Sounds like they read
a couple of the mucusless guy's books, went full steam ahead raw, and are
still having a sugar high on it. They were popping hot peppers and getting
off on the pain. I bribed them with some cassia (instead of returning the
book for a refund--Melisa talked me out of it; she's so mature) and tried
to get them to consider that there might be some longer term problems with
a fruitarian diet but mostly we ended up talking about durian. They were
also high because Steve Jobs had ordered the book off their web page, and
they were talking to to talk shows (Oprah called). Stay tuned...

One of them had heard of veg-raw. I wish they'd post a bit. I thought that
maybe I should send them a couple of the "scarier issues" of H&B and some
references but why should I go to the trouble? They've got _the_ answer and
it'll be awhile before they're in listening mode. Who knows? Not I, not I,
said the nose.

After seven years raw, I can soundly conclude, that like democracy, it
sucks---but its better than the alternative. :)


PS, Ward--I ain't paying you squat for _nothin_ since you horked my smiley!
My "inner insect" stings you!!  zzz     :---