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Michele Deradune <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Sep 96 06:52:37 CST
text/plain (55 lines)
I like water in almost any form, but if I have my choice, first is distilled
(because it's the purest), and next well filtered -- but any water that tastes
good is okay by me!  I find that if I get too hung up on it having to be one
certain kind, there can be a problem when it is not available, so I have
learned to be more flexible.  For instance, I used to not buy produce unless it
was organic, and then when no good organic produce was available I ended up
eating foods much worse than produce WITH pesticides!

I meant to answer your previous questions to me, and actually did, but the
system I was on booted me off for it's daily cleanup or whatever it does, and
it didn't save or send my long reply.  Boo!  Here is what I can remember of it:

I find my cravings for sweet and fat foods is satisfied if I will eat a good
range of raw foods, i.e., both fruits and the salads I love so much.  I have
not gotten completely strict on my raw food diet yet, and I still crumble blue
cheese into my salads for flavoring, even adding croutons sometimes.  The salad
dressing I love is cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil with some crushed
garlic, and sometimes a squeeze of fresh lemon.  My favorite salad green is
spinach, but I also love all the other kinds of lettuce (iceberg least, since
it has no real flavor, but is just crunchy).  I love tomatoes, and usually put
one large or two small in each salad, and sometimes shave in a little onion.  I
also bite the bullet on the high cost of avocados, and usually have avocado in
my salad for some healthy fatty food which is not even fattening!  (I lost
almost 100 lbs. in the past even when I was eating 2-4 avocados in my raw food
diet daily!)

I am very picky about apples, and only like them if they are very crunchy and
delicious.  My favorite is Fuji!  Bananas and grapes are other helpful fruits
for me.  Sometimes I will eat some raw nuts, but not daily:  almonds, pecans
usually, and sometimes add raw sunflower seeds to my salads.

I find that when I eat like this, and make an effort to eat not too often
(preferably 3-5 hours between meals), that my cravings and hungry feelings
disappear!  But this is just for me.  I really do believe that individuals are
different in their specific needs, and each person has to find the right
staples for themselves which work well.  Oh, another treat I really love is
fresh pineapple!  So satisfying!  I am looking to lose 30 lbs. or more by
Christmas, and still I will be overweight, but it feels great to be getting
better all the time!
I still cling to coffee too, but have also been cutting way down on that.  I
have to stay away from honey and other sweeteners as much as possible, because
they drag me down and make me tired and blue.  I am planning to try Stevia
soon, though I hear it has an unpleasant aftertaste.

Regarding transition to all-raw:  I recommend that you do NOT go "cold turkey"
because I did that and got very sick.  The stored poisons in the body race to
the exits and you can get many very uncomfortable disease-like symptoms.  I
recommend all-raw breakfast, all-raw (or nearly) lunch, and something baked or
steamed for or with lunch and/or dinner (baked potato, broccoli, etc.) for the
first month or three.  This slows down the cleansing reactions.  But again,
each person is so individual and you may not be as full of toxins as I was!
