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Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 6 Sep 1996 01:22:10 -0700
text/plain (50 lines)
And I just did the same thing and offer similar apologies.


>Submitted to veg-raw by: Ward Nicholson <[log in to unmask]>
>Although I stand by the comment I made in my earlier post today about T.C.
>Fry's theoretical stance vs. his actual (or not) practice of fruitarianism,
>unfortunately the timing of my comments could not have been more grievously

>I want to be the first to say here that regardless of my views about T.C.,
>I was very sorry and somewhat stunned to hear just a few minutes ago from a
>participant of the Natural Hygiene M2M--who was a friend of T.C.'s--that he
>died earlier today. Apparently his health had not been good for the last
>several months, and he was only around 70 years old. This is too young an
>age to die and I cannot but feel regret that he was not able to enjoy a
>longer life. He was a colorful character, and whether you loved him or
>hated him, he had an undeniable and large influence upon many modern-day
>natural hygienists.

>All I know at this point from the M2M participant who relayed the news to
>me is that apparently T.C. had been ill for some months. I may be garbling
>the details somewhat, but apparently he had anemia either before, or after
>(which, I am not clear) some ozone treatments he had had in the Dominican
>Republic a few months back. He ended up losing a very large amount of
>weight, and diagnoses at that time from two different physicians (one a
>hygienic chiropractor, the other of whose credentials I am unsure) were
>congestive heart failure on the one hand, and adrenal insufficiency on the

>After this diagnosis T.C. had gone to a health retreat of one of his former
>students to recover and had regained much of the weight he had lost, but
>then died. A lesion on his lung may have been implicated. Details are
>sketchy and I would not consider what little I've have relayed here
>completely reliable.

>I will leave it to someone else better acquqinted to remember T.C.'s
>accomplishments here. I was familiar only with some of T.C.'s theories and
>of some of the events in his life in the last few years as I have became
>involved in natural hygiene circles more heavily.

>My condolences to those who were close to him.

>--Ward Nicholson <[log in to unmask]> Wichita, KS

Kirt Nieft / Melisa Secola
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