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Sandy Labedz <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 8 Dec 1996 15:34:28 -0500
text/plain (36 lines)

To add to yesterday's comments about Price's book.  It's obvious he thinks
that animal foods are not of secondary importance but critical to human
health.  But what's a gal to think when I've heard and read all kinds of
M.D.s, other scientists and well-informed laypeople pronounce there is no
nutrient provided by animal foods that can not be provided by plant foods.
 It's also obvious that this debate has been going on a long, long time and
that it will not be resolved during my lifetime, if ever!  One thing that
really has a lot of validity with me is how people who advocate a certain
health program look and act.  Four years ago, two raw food friends and I
spent the day at a workshop given by Gabriel Cousens, M.D.  This man, a raw
food vegan, glows with health and energy.  He was in his late forties at the
time. Beautiful full head of dark brown hair, not one grey one.   Slim and
muscular.  Translucent, wrinkle free skin.  Calm, peaceful but energetic
manner.  To me, these are signs of a  healthy human organism.  He also is big
time into meditation, and, I believe, yoga and running, and a bunch of other
health oriented type stuff.  Whatever he's doing sure appears to work for


I agree with Peter that Ross Horne's book is terrific.  I've read it FOUR
times.  Another one I've read four times is Conscious Eating by Gabriel
Cousens, M.D. (see above).  I posted a raw biblography a while back.  If
you're interested, let me know and I'll e-mail it to you.


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