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Meredith Westfall <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 5 Sep 1996 16:54:21 -0400 (EDT)
text/plain (39 lines)
Wow, did Stu hit the nail on the head about coffee and energy.  In the
morning I always think I need coffee or else I'll be groggy and fall
asleep while I am teaching or in class.  Keeping irregular sleeping hours
doesn't help either.  The fear of being tired and the fear of being
hungry is what drives me  most of the time.

Coffee to means a lot more than coffee. Because I don't drink alcohol and
rarely eat out , "let's get together for coffee." has been the prefect
solution.  It's a night out, it's a place to meet, it's a place to
socialize, etc., etc.  When I quit alcohol, the desire to go to bars
decreased (as well as night clubs, etc.)  Without the drinking, the
cigarettes lost some of their appeal.  After not smoking, the "too many
cups of coffee each day" turned into a cup or two in the morning.  It's
fascinating how all of this "just happens".  Believe me, I am not in the
driver's seat...or at least I don't think I am all of the time.

This morning I went for my coffee and bagel.  I got a cup of decaf and
when I tasted it (the place is self-serve), it had a metallic taste, so I
dumped it out.  There I was in a daze thinking of my choices.  Decaf earl
gray, regular coffee (It's Peet's for anyone who cares), orange juice.  I
ended up getting a bottle of water.  Now here comes the funny part.
While I was eating my bagel, I found that it tasted really salty and
actually a little yucky.  Aha! The real they serve coffee with baked goods!
Now I have to look at the bagel thing. Water is the easiest, so that
matches my life style the best.  And what JR said, water seems to be the
only thing that tasted good at any temperature.  Drinking water left in a
hot car is OK.  Now think about Orange juice, coffee, a soft drink.  NASTY!

My question now is how to people figure out how much raw they are eating?
How does one go about figuring out the percentages?

Last thing.  I was thinking about the raw diet and saw a pun in there, at
least for me.  I have been feeling very raw, vulnerable, and exposed.  I
don't know why.

Stay well