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Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 2 Sep 1996 22:48:07 -0700
text/plain (66 lines)
>What to do when long-term frustration sets in on an instincto
>diet? Now that's one for the query book, and probably has less to do
>with nutrition than emotion.

No way, Jose. I do not buy the emotion argument for one second. If a
diet cannot do a better job supporting and nourishing the emotional
body and increasing the chance for survival of the organism by making
it more resilient to stress (inner and outer), something is inherrently
wrong with the diet. Evolution is not a child's game or a support group
for the emotionally unstable, but the selection of the fittest for the
survival of the species. Let us not forget that. Rather than
questioning our own lack of will power or emotional stamina, we should
be questioning the validity of any dietary praxis that does not free us
from our cravings and satisfy our needs.

>Still, it is reported that well over 95% of those seeking to maintain
>an instincto diet are unable/unwilling to do so in the long run. Worse
>numbers than raw-veg diets.

I had no idea the figures were that bad.

>I haven't been around veg-raw very long and don't know the history,
>but I don't think veg-raw is so very fragile that is will break apart
>from a discussion of the limitations of a raw diet.

That's the spirit! :-)

>I was very glad to see that no one bashed Ward's post with the usual
>propaganda about how rawliness is next to godliness and how
>"heretical"Ward must be to forward the possibility that a baked potato
>may be appropriate for many people.

Do not let Kirt intimidate any of you dogmatic, raw food hardliners out
there into not speaking your mind. This list is for you too - just as
long as you behave. :-/

>New topic: It may be that there are so few posts to veg-raw because
>many feel they are not "pure" or raw enough to contribute (the idea
>that "oh, I still drink coffee, or snarf a donut, or eat my chocolate,
>etc. and therefore would be evil in the eyes of true blue rawists who
>will then lay into me with both barrels.") If newbies only knew that
>long-term rawists are racked by similar confusions and frustrations,
>perhaps there would be a freer exchange.

That is so true. And so is Wards 80/20 rule IMO.

>Who knows? But I have yet to meet a practicing frutarian, whereas I
>have met several ex-frutarians--it just wasn't working for them.

A fruitarian I know tells me that there is but a handful of fruitarians
in this country, who have been on the diet for any length of time -
that is more than 5-6 years.

>There are people who have stuck to various raw regimens in the
>longterm (though no one but their hairdresser knows, for sure) and
>this seems to show the tremedous variety in human experience. This
>variety might be celebrated instead of compartamentalized.

Now why did I not phrase that? -  Your sensitivity and your sense of
humor are both much appreciated.

>Cheers, Kirt

Best, Peter