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"Thomas E. Billings" <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 23 Mar 1997 12:53:23 -0800
text/plain (41 lines)
Jean-Louis Tu:
>So, while during the Paleolithic the attraction for sugar worked
>generally well, it seems that with modern fruits it can be very
>deceptive. I still remember the time when I ate fruit salads, and I
>added sugar when they were too acid: hence the cumulated effects
>of an excess of energy and too much acidity. Also, think about
>the corrosive drinks such as Coke that could never be ingested without
>the sugar.

>Thus, I think we should consider that modern fruit are as unnatural as
>fruits with sugar added -when the taste becomes unpleasant, it is
>already far too late (remember the amount of acid fruits we can eat
>with only a small amount of sugar sprinkled on it).

Your reasoning here is interesting. Eating too much modern sweet fruit can
cause the same effects - frequent urination, constant thirst, and so on -
that can result from eating too much sugar in the form of, say, candy. Sugar
is sugar, whether it is in fruit or a candy bar. I agree with you that modern
sweet fruit is as unnatural as sour fruit with sugar added.

Jean-Louis Tu:
>Now, concerning selected vegetables, I don't see any risk of overeating,
>since sugar is not involved. Modern vegetables are probably less bitter
>because they contain less toxins, and thus are at the same time more
>palatable and more beneficial: thus, the instinct probably works -with a

I would mention here that carrots, sweet corn, and beets are all very high in
sugar, the result of plant breeding/selection over a long period of time. So,
one needs to be careful of sugar when eating them. Other vegetables are not so
high in sugar, so don't have this problem.

Thanks for an excellent and interesting post! I hope it generates additional
discussion on this list.

Tom Billings
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