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Steve Shapiro <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 17 Jan 1997 11:01:44 -0800
text/plain (28 lines)
The following books have made it into my library, most within the last 2
weeks.  I have not had a chance to read even one in it's entirety.  All
have recipes of some type within them.  All are vegetarian focused.

Sproutman's Kitchen Garden		Steve Meyerowitz		1-878737-84-1
Sprout It				Steve Meyerowitz		1-878736-02-7
Diet & Salad				N.W. Walker			0-89019-034-8
Ann Wigmore's Recipes for Longer Life	Ann Wigmore			0-89529-195-9
Living Foods for Optimum Health		Brian Clement			0-7615-0258-0
Vibrant Living				James Levin, MD			0-89529-683-7
Enzyme Nutrition			Edward Howell			0-89529-221-1
Delights of the Garden			Imar Hutchins			0-385-47965-4
 (this book uses cracked wheat as a basis for many recipes, which I
found out is parboiled wheat, ergo,
  not raw.  I am writing to him to ask how he correlates this to
Dick Gregory's Natural Diet for Folks..	Dick Gregory			0-06-080315-0
Home Food Dehydration			Emme Wheeler
Dry It, You'll Like It			Gen MacManiman
Conscious Eating			Gabriel Cousens, MD		0-9644584-0-3

My wife and I are focusing on "how to" and medical books, rather than
philosphy, ethics, & society.
I'll send book reports across as soon as we actually read these in full.

Steve Shapiro