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Wed, 13 Nov 1996 05:07:41 +1000
[log in to unmask] (Rene Beresford)
text/plain (37 lines)
Dear Roy,
I have in front of me 50 pages of over 40 analysis on fruit and vegies.
Then a book from Dr.David Phillips with over 150 pages of analysis under
every conceivable heading.
Then another list with 27 fruits, analysed in 24 details.
Would you believe it?  NONE about glycemic/glycogen.

When you look at these charts, it makes me shiver at the intense analysis
and then I ask myself: 'how would, how does the animal in nature look at its
food?  Is the lion analysing the deer, the zebra, the giraffe?  Is the bird
analysing the worm, or the seed?  We, I mean humanity as a whole, are
analysing sooooo much, we concentrate on the tree to such an extent that we
lose sight of the beautiful forest all around us.

I am well aware of the incidences of overflow of glycogen, however, I come
back to my own theory and philosophical attitude that, when we eat an as
great variety of fruit/vegies as we can, we will avoid the problems of
onsided feeding and gain the benefit of having the good from everything and
there will likely be no overflow of glycogen.
To bring some balance into the fruit diet, there are the vegetable fruits of
cucumber, capsicum, zuchini, tomato, pumpkin, then there is the avocado as well.

Tubers, like carrots and sweet potatoes, beetroot etc. are not a fruit.  A
fruit is actually that food that has the seed within itself for
regeneration.  But then again, a been stalk is a legume and not classified
as a fruit.  But, who is telling whom, what are we at?  Maybe, when we try
utmost simplicity in our eating, we might get somewhere.  We MUST look at
nature, go back to nature in our thinking about food and eating.
Anyhow, better stop before it becomes "lecturing".  Try the method I
mentioned above, variety, give it a break with vegetable fruits if you want,
or even with, say, sprouts.  In between a few well soaked nuts, or very well
chewed in the mouth.     Maybe there is some news about all this from
another source, we can always learn he.

 Thanks and good health,   Rene.