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Wed, 7 May 97 21:35:10 -0700
Deborah Boyar <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (138 lines)
>Hi to all, especially Deborah and Jean-Louis.
Hi Stefan!

>Two pounds of meat, three times a week and for six years! Wow! I am
>thunderstruck! So much! And this together with instinctive nutrition?
>I can't believe it.
>Possible reasons:
>- meat of bad quality (see my earlier posts)
>- a pair of two foods of bad quality

I will forward all this along to Zephyr for him to comment on.  It's
certainly VERY interesting.

Today we went to the eye doctor for Zephyr to have a checkup.  His vision
has deteriorated 30% in the past year.  We're not certain how much of
that is (1) due to the trichinosis -- his eyes really bothered him a lot
during that period;  (2) permanent.  But he got a prescription for both
distance and close lenses, and will be rechecked in a couple of months.

The close lenses will help him do more computer and reading work, which
hurts his eyes a lot now.  He has been working for several days on a
really long post about his illness, and has not yet read the new stuff
which I've passed on to him.

>I need a better word here. Grapefruits are a cross-breeding of oranges and
>another fruit whose name I mean. Anybody who knows? In german it is called
>"Pampelmuse". It's very acidy and sour. It was cross-breeded with oranges
>to make it more sweet.


>Important sign, that RAF (meat, fish, eggs) is not instinctive quality:
>After eating it and having a more or less weak stop you feel thirsty. This
>is a strong sign, that you have eaten too much. If you didn't exceed the stop
>this means that your RAF didn't give a correct stop because it was bad
Hm.  Zephyr is almost always thirsty after meat/fish eating.

>So another question to Deborah and Zephyr is, whether Zephyr in all these
>six years of extremely high meat eating had some other favorite food he was
>permanently attracted to. Or even several other favorites.

Again, better that he answers this than me.
>If five billion of us consume as much meat as Zephyr there is no chance
>to get it as instincto quality. His consumption was 2*459*3*52g = 143kg
>per year. This even beats the average intake of german cooked eaters (92kg).
>And it may beat the average SADer?
Dunno, but it is indeed a lot.  You're good with statistics!
>Ok, here are my cholesterol values:
>           1. Test       2. Test        Recommended range
>TC           210             191             < 200
>TRG          70              133             < 200
>HDL          68              63              > 35
>LDL          128             102             < 155
>VLDL         14              27              < 40
>TC/HDL       3.1             3.0             < 4.5
>GLU          76              71              76 .. 110
>Notes: All values in mg per dl.
>TC = Total cholesterol, TRG = triglycerides, HDL = high density lipoprotein,
>LDL = low density lipoprotein, VLDL = very low density lipoprotein,
>TC/HDL = ratio of TC to HDL, GLU = glucose.
>First test on 4/18/97 9:30 MEZ, second test on 5/6/97 17:30 MEZ.

>I suppose this avocado meal to be responsible for the considerable shift
>of TRG, LDL and VLDL. But the TC stayed nearly the same. Funny.

Why would you think avocadoes would affect your cholesterol?  They have

>The TC of Zephyr of 119 looks good. Would be interesting to see the other
>values if you got them.
In fact, just today we got back the values from testing done on 5/5/97:

Cholesterol 140
Triglycerides 106
HDL 42
LDL 77

All his liver enzymes are back well within normal ranges, thank God.

The following are high:
White blood cells 25 (4-11 is normal)
Platelets 565 (150-400 is normal)
Eosinophils 80 (0-5 is normal)

>It means that I try to hear to my inner voice whenever I can. And I pay
>higher attention to my feelings than to rational thoughts how things should
>- if exposing to the sun I get out as soon as I note a unpleasant feeling.
>- if fast walking seems to be good I do it. If a slow motion feels better
>  i will walk slowly.
>- I call my friends if I feel that we should talk again. I don't count when
>  I called them the last time or how often.
>- I sleep as much as my body needs not as much I would like to sleep.
>- generally I try to hear to my inner voice and my feelings if making
>  decisions.
>- I try to respect nature and other life as much as possible. I have
>  definitive   n o   reluctance to kill animals I need for eating. But I
>  won't slaughter one without this need.

This is very beautiful and I admire your orientation.

>I must disappoint you. No new food, no new fun for you. We are too much into-
>xicated from our cooked decades to try this.

Right, that's why I said our grandchildren could do it.

>And really, Deborah: are you
>able to do it? ;-)

No way, but I'm not seeking to return

>as near as possible to the paradisiac conditions of our ancestors

either.   :-D

>Anyway: Have fun with your excretions
>but watch out for reintoxification.

Sage advice, which I'll certainly follow.
>Best instinctive wishes,

Same to you,