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Wed, 21 Aug 1996 23:35:15 -0400
Don Wiss <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (107 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
I posted back on 14 Aug 1996:
>I'm interested in whether vaginal yeast infections have cleared up by going
>on the gluten-free diet. My theory is that a gluten eating celiac has a
>system that is weakened in various ways, making some women unable to fight
>off yeast infections. I've searched through the archives and haven't really
>turned up anything. Has anyone had this as a persistent problem and found
>the GF diet cleared it up?
These are the anecdote responses I received, unsigned ones were private. I
also received one from a fellow on jock itch. He thought it should be
included. Also a long one explaining her theories on this which she said I
could post, but it is long.
Mostly the answers say a gluten-free diet helped, but there are a couple
that said they got worse and a couple where it didn't make a difference.
(They are in chronological order.) Don Wiss.
I have found the opposite to be true. I became sick on 9/1/95 and was
diagnosed with CD in mid-Dec. '95. I have had more yeast infections in the
last year than I have had total in my whole life (35 yrs old). I went on a
gluten free diet in Dec. 95. I have had only a handful of mistakes where I
must have ingested some hiden gluten (I supposed that comes with learning
the diet). I do make my bread with yeast. In the last few weeks I started
eating yogurt to see if that would help.
Mostly yes and once in a while, no. Everything has gotten better by being
gf. However, being that I am on hormone replacement therapy, changes occur
that have nothing to do with CD. I agree that being gf has greatly enhanced
the strength of my immune system, as the severity and length of time of
outbreak are significantly decreased.
I have a sister who has been celiac for a few years...she still continues to
get yeast infections often. Don't know whether it is better or worse than
pre GF days...
I haven't had any problems since going g-f a year ago, including when I was
taking a pretty good dosage of penicillin (always a sure-fire way to get
the yeast stirred up) recently.
I do believe it has helped--especially since we diabetics are definitely
more prone to such ailments!
Yup! Sure did! I used to have them chronically. I didn't even realize that
they had cleared up until you mentioned it!
I found a GF diet helped the yeastie beastie a lot, but what made even more
of a difference was getting my blood sugars under control (Yes, I am a
celietic -- a person with both diabetes and celiac disease). Recurrent yeast
infections is good reason for a woman to have a complete medical check-up
including an evaluation of her glucose metabolism.
Catherine Johnson
I was diagnosed with CD last October and "Yes" my bacterial and yeast
infections have cleared up. I used to have at least 3 - 4 infections a year
and have only had one since. I read a book (loaned it out so can't tell you
the page) called the "The Yeast Connection and Women" and there were a
couple pages with info on the connection between CD and vaginal infections.
It indicated something the the effect that the intestional flora can overlap
into the vaginal female tract. Makes complete sense to me -- I for about 10
years wondered why I was getting all these infections and even pre-term
labor with my last two pregnancies. For me CD is the answer and going GF has
certainly has helped. Also, I do consume dairy products daily and sugar.
I was constantly plagued with them for years. After leaving my husband 2
years ago (yet still having an active sex life}, they became infrequent!
Since becoming GF 15 months ago, I've only had 2.
This was so in my case. I suffered for 10 years (prior to diagnosis) with
constant vaginal yeast infections. Have not had one problem with them since
diagnosis and going on a gluten-free diet.
I personally discovered systemic candida (yeast) which led me to the
gluten...Yes I became much less symptomatic from the diet, which also
included the yeast diet...seems to be related in many that are enlightened.
I had a problem for a while with this.  The g.f. diet helped because I
eliminated bread and other carbs from my diet - which of course - break down
into sugar in your system. But - only when I went on a total yeast free diet
- and deprived my system of any growth environment - did I become cured. Hey
- you think a gf diet is strict - try a yeast free diet for real torture.