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Robert W. Avery <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 07 Jan 1997 04:40:36 EST
text/plain (119 lines)

>Especially since Bob just passed away, unfortunately.  It appears
>from what I can gather that he was in a car wreck, lost a great
>deal of blood, & when they brought him into the hospital barely
>conscious, he insisted that under no conditions was he to be given
>any blood but that they should just put him in a hypberbaric
>chamber.  We'll miss you Bobby.  Give our regards to Uncle Herbie.

>toxic/useless), but by & large I just purloined it whole from the late
Bob Avery, R.I.P.

And on the third day He rose again!!  (Mind over blood.  Yes, yes ---
Dance away, bodhster!  I love you too, even if are the carnivorous type.)

Gosh, i can't leave you guys alone for a minute, can I?  Actually, I've
been working hard on preparations for the February issue of the M2M for
the past few days.

Strangely, several years ago the local Mensa chapter newsletter had me
dying prematurely too.  I never found out who planted that story.

>What I was referring to is yogic techniques of Kuya Kulpa or

Tell us more.  Is it anything like mea culpa?  (Oops!  Is my "vegan
guilt" showing again, Peter?)

>You may be sorry you asked:
>(daily dosages, many left blank because I was too lazy to look on
>all the bottles)
>Vit. C- 2-7g
>pantothenic acid 1g
>multi vit/min
>vit. E 800mg
>tumeric extract
>lipoic acid
>grape seed extract
 >ascorbyl palmitate
>ginkgo extract
>lycine 1-2g
>melatonin 10mg (hormone, not a nutrient)
>green tea extract
>garlic extract
>DMAE 100mg
>PABA .5-1g
>saw palmetto extract
>co-enzyme Q
>bohdi tree extract
>eye of newt

Good grief, Doug!  You're a walking pharmacy!  Aren't you afraid all
those longevity aids might unbalance your system (except for the last 2
supplements, which are de rigeur, of course --- is that why the Gingrich
seems so blind, we each got one of his eyes?).  I've still got bottles of
ginkgo biloba sitting in my closet from a few years ago waiting for an
opportune time to be consume, but so far even the massive blood loss
referred to above hasn't done the trick.

Might I humbly mention that the one supplement that I think ought to be
on every longevity enthusiast's list (and doesn't seem to be on anyone's)
is digestive enzymes?  I take these every day (about 1/4 tsp powder per
meal --- can be purchased in bulk from The Magic Chain in CA; check the
Web).  And right now that's the only supplement I take every day.  I
sporadically take CoQ and even more sporadically Vitamin C, but I
wouldn't go near those others you take (except melatonin, if i ever get
brave enough to try the yogic urine-drinking bit.  Any you Instinctos out
there ever drunk urine?  I'd ask you what the "stop" signal is, but
actually I'm even more interested in what is the "start" signal.)  I do
like to eat seedful grapes whenever I get the chance, and I cruch the
grape seeds as I eat 'em.  I don't even know what NAC is; must be one of
those new hi-tech miracles.

>The CR guys have given anecdotes on the CR list, & they talk about
>type 1 & type 2 hunger, with the latter being clearly just
>withdrawal symptoms from cooked foods, & the former being mild
>withdrawal symptoms (neither one of which some of them appreciated

What wimps!  Will they ever discover Type 3 --- True Hunger?

>>>By the way, I recently read something that suggested that
>> even the non-metallic tooth bonding agents & fillers will leach some
>>>undesireable stuff, including aluminum (I think that some
>> are made of a porcelain, which I guess is a clay & thus would have

All dental restorations, glues, binders are toxic to one degree or
another; it's just a choice among the least of evils.

>Obviously if I eat one almond it will not even register, if I eat
>.25 lb, it will.  If I eat .5 lb, it will be a lot worse.

It wasn't so long ago, this summer, i was eating 4 oz almonds at a meal,
down from 6-8 not long before that, only because my commitment to
organically grown foods made that much prohibitively expensive (check the
price of organic almonds).  But now I feel plenty stuffed on 2 oz/meal
(and rarely more than that per day), which I've been doing for a few
months now, and can foresee the time when 1 oz/day will seem more

>screwy stuff such as anorexia

I know what you mean, but hey, don't let the medics confuse you with
their terminology.  Anorexia = "not eating".  Anorexia is good for you.
It is something humanity needs more of.  It's the malnutrition part of
the so-called "anorexia nervosa" syndrome ya gotta watch out for.

>free and open debate which the internet flourishes on.

Hear!  Hear!  (And the M2M too!)

>saying a number of Hail Herbies.

I love it!  A votre sante!

Bob Avery ([log in to unmask])