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"Thomas E. Billings" <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 20 Mar 1996 09:22:40 -0800
text/plain (70 lines)
in a recent post, the Swedish Vegetarian Society <[log in to unmask]> made
inquiries concerning a recent post of mine. In the following, my post
is identified by , while that of [log in to unmask] is . The material below
has been edited to save space.

>> ** Saying: "Health comes only from healthful living"
>If not, can you please tell us...where else?

The answer to your question depends on your philosophy. If you are an agnostic
or atheist, there is no clear answer - it is one of the mysteries of life.
If you are religious or spiritual, the answer is that health comes from
God (Allah, Great Spirit, other name), your own Higher Self (spiritual body),
the Buddha nature, or other similar source.

>> * There are *no* guarantees in life.
>Do you guarantee that?

Your question reminded me of something. One thing that can be guaranteed is
that anything that is born will eventually die; death is guaranteed. So my
statement that there are no guarantees in life is incorrect. Thanks for
reminding me!

>> story of instinctive eater who experienced dental problems when he didn't
>> brush his teeth - deleted to save space.
>Did he really eat instinctively?

Yes indeed. He even wrote a book on instinctive eating, "Eating Instinctively
on Earth, an Autobiography and Guidebook", by Zephyr, 1995, privately published;
contact address: Zephyr, R.R. 2 Box 3958, Pahoa, Hawaii, 96778 U.S.A. He was
selling the book for $15.00 a few months ago in San Francisco; phone is listed
as 808-965-9371.

>How much antiseptic greens did he have to choose from?

Some, but it appears he eats them in small quantities. He discusses greens in
his book. Many leafy greens that are very nutritious have little or no smell,
and as instinctive eaters try to be guided by smell, that is a problem: "no
smell" often means "no eat".  See page 24 (footnote 2), also page 26.

>Did he have dental fillings? Please try to answer because this might explain
>what happened.

from page 64 of his book:
"I had a very painful and rotted wisdom tooth pulled. I've had several teeth
filled, without mercury....I still brush, though I don't use toothpaste. Many
members of our community use "natural" toothpastes. I floss with Glide (it's
made of Goretex; it's our unanimous floss choice) and I often rinse and gargle
with ocean water..."

The book, and its philosophy, is interesting and surprising. Some quotes:

pg. 35: "How do I eat meats? I eat them passionately. Eating meats is primal
ecstasy for me."

pg. 31: "Do I have to eat raw meats? No...However I know only one person who's
been able to be consistently instincto without eating meat."

On page 45 he says he is "afraid" of raw milk. He eats raw meat, which  is
the product of violence, but is afraid of raw milk which can be collected
without violence, and which can be seen as the product of a Mother's love?
Very strange, in my opinion.

Personally, I find the thought of eating meat repulsive; the more I learn
about instinctive eating, the less attractive it is to me. However a
vegetarian version of instinctive eating is more reasonable, in my opinion.

Tom Billings
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