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Douglas Schwartz <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 17 Dec 1996 21:39:06
text/plain (19 lines)
I was just sitting here at my keyboard working, and my half-starved
cat started making noises from gnawing on something.  I turned
around but could not really see what she was chewing on as I was a
ways away.  It looked like it might be sort of gross from a
distance, & I was a little apprehensive about going over to
investigate.  She was going to town on it, & I feared she might
somehow have gotten hold of some sort of animal carcass.  Even when
I went right over to it, it was a while before I was able to
recognize what it was: a plantain skin turned inside out & opened up
that she had just swiped out of the trash.  Following Meredith's
advice, I decided to try ancient, soft plantains, & they are indeed
pretty good.  But my cat refuses to touch bananas & now she likes
plantains.  Pretty weird.  At the moment, she is eating it skin &
all, not just scraping out the guts.

--Doug Schwartz
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