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Fri, 24 Jan 1997 11:25:40 -0300
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Some more thoughts and questions in regard to unnatural fruits and other
foods. This in response to Tom Billing's answer to my questions on

1) I don't want to have a fruitarian diet, I want to have a good diet, if
the cause, or one of the causes of my current state of health is eating
unnaturally sweet foods. I wouldn't have any problem giving up fruits
altoghether. Wouldn't this be the most sensible thing, after all? It
 puzzles me to read and learn so many negative things about currently available
fruits, and hear that people who understand this keep eating them. Do I NEED
this fruits at all?

2) From Tom Billings last, educational post on fruitarianism, I got the
impression (please tell me if I am wrong) that one of the problems with
current fruits is they are low fiber. Is this so? I mean, is there some
potential long-term damage that can be caused by eating lots of cucumbers,
avocados and tomatoes, just because they are "too easy" on the digestive

3) Is there any agreement about the plant food that men used to eat before
settling down to cultivate? (proportions, kinds of foods, etc). It's
becoming increasingly apparent to me that sweet foods are RARE for human
beings in the wild. Right or Wrong? Thus, health-wise, we should have no
problem doing without them.

4) Among the foods we have access to, what are the ones that resemble wild
fruit the most? (both sweet and non-sweet).

5) Another thing I am starting to suspect is that wild foods are naturally
high fiber, more high fiber than most fruits. Is this so? But then, all the
stuff we read about fruits having just enough fiber are not true. We need
more fiber and less concentration of calories, right? Kirt in a recent post
gives info about wild nuts being more starchy and fibrous than the ones we
are familiar with. This would be similar to what happens with fruits.

So we human beings have been altering the plant foods we eat (I don't even
want to start thinking about animal food, what they call "animals") and one
of the results has been foods more calorie-dense, with less fiber, and with
tastes and proportion of nutrients that completely confuse our taste buds
and capacity to stop eating when we have had enough. This is pretty amazing
to me. I wouldn't have suspected of fruits as causing problems! It is SO
funny, when you have been mostly on fruits for a number of years, and
suddenly consider bananas harmful! I am LAUGHING!

Hope you forgive, if it's boring, my reflections and feelings appearing on
your e-mail account. It's just that I feel, out there, sitting scattered
around the world, there are some of you who KNOW what I am talking about,
and maybe together we can learn and benefit, and try to solve the "unnatural
raw plant food riddle".

Now there is a new image in my mind: the reason why I like fruits so much,
can be compared to the reason why people like candy more than fruit. Wait, I
am not saying bananas are addictive. NOt at all. I am saying they fool us,
they easily become the prefered raw food for many people, both raw fooders
adn conventional eaters. And now it turns out I will have to use REASON, and
love for myself, to avoid something I used to think of as "perfectly

Best regards to all of you out there,